
@uglyteradon: Oh, I can afford it all right. Not a problem there. I wouldn't be able to afford a divorce though! zing~

@uglyteradon: Hah! Shows what you know! We don't have wives or significant others to begin with! If we did, we'd never have bought this stuff in the first place.

@HardRojo: Oh god, I remember when the cartoon came to NA and I heard the "boin" and i immediately thought, this must have been censored knowing what "boin" actually meant in Japanese. Thanks for the confirmation...

@dumlaox: You're right about that. Forgot about SQWebix and their "international editions" mostly because that's what we get in NA.

This is 1 bad thing about Western developers, all these GOTY edition crap relegates things from day 1 to wait till GOTY edition comes out.

@Nawara_Ven: I noticed that too. In the Simpsons universe, Asians are "white" and Caucasians are "yellow". Reversed from the typical stereotype if you will

@Mike Fahey: Oh, and the reason why I had to say 3 was because when I first saw it, I kept imagining the possibility of liquid smooth animation of SF3 in 3D (as opposed to SF2's mediocre animation)

@Mike Fahey: I guess the single screen at the front is Alpha 2 but I mostly saw SF3. Still, I really enjoyed the post. Thanks a lot Fahey

Not to nitpick but that's Street Fighter 3, not 2 Fahey

@semajaral: I feel the same way about violence and gore

@Zkuq: heh, I have a personal theory that women that are deemed physically desirable fall into 3 categories in a scale, cute, pretty and sexy.

Master Chief be "Shoryuken'd" by Ken Masters

God, I love these commercials. KB keep on making these commercials. Better than 90% of Saturday Night Live sketches.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: I think it's pronounced "duo-dekum" if i remember my math class correctly.

Thought controllers are better and less strain on the eye (think Ghost in the Shell).

@RunningWildVidya: Killing is seen as wrong and that's a problem (yes, I know what you mean but look at the pictures)?

Needs more Kojima

@Gav47 is Back In The USSR: The funny thing is, for about $2500 I could build the same computer with better mouse and gaming keyboard...

@Astrodude: Still doesn't make sense as Nintendo succeeded.

@Xenolithium: @@ So ... ROCK HARD NIPPLES?!? FROM GIRLS?