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    That Jeremy Clarkson is our appointed spokesperson.

    You can read a full profile of the team at the awesome F1Rejects site here: [f1rejects.com]

    I can't believe I'm about to defend mosely, but...

    We should pool our resources - we could be the Jalopnik Commentariat Spy Network warwickshire division :-)

    Hehe- that photo was taken about a mile from where I'm sitting. I do see the various JLR and Aston development hacks about the place quite often, but I haven;t spotted a Jag-SUV yet. (I did see a Freelander with disguise-vinyls on just on the head and tailights today, though)

    you can make cheap drift tyres by getting appropriately-sized black PVC pipe, cutting to length and glueing them to the rim. last ages, and zero grip.

    How can it be anything other than the DS?

    Maybe it doesn't fit in the car (Which pre-dates HANS by a decade or so...)

    Good god, this is dumb. I mean really, really dumb.

    I'm on the fence. The existing defender isn't broken for most people, but for a company in the business of selling people new cars it is- Because sales have fallen a long way.

    The Mighty "Spaghetti Junction". Or, to use its official name, "Gravelly Hill Interchange".

    Because Shelby Mustang

    It's just one of those little automotive myths that winds me up when I hear it repeated.

    Oh for pete's sake.

    I'm quite sure that this situation was caused by someone at Porsche signing a perpetual exclusivity deal with EA in 1998 as it seemed like a good idea at the time, and are currently kicking themselves.

    I should have guessed Pulp was a slightly too anglocentric reference...

    There was an artist and his name was Burridge,

    Seconded. McQueen's Le Mans may not have a script worthy of the name but at least it makes sense, and attempts to be true to the sport as it was at the time. Driven really doesn't have any redeeming features at all.

    My Heart says the Lotus 49. My head and sense of self-preservation says the Williams FW15 as the Traction Control, Active Ride, and fatter slicks might keep me alive for an extra 30 seconds or so.

    i LOL'ed.