Kudos to whoever mentioned the Pug 205- Such a nice design, and stayed fresh for nearly the whole life of the car. Peugeot have really lost it since they stopped using pininfarina for styling eg: 406 coupe Vs 407 coupe...
Kudos to whoever mentioned the Pug 205- Such a nice design, and stayed fresh for nearly the whole life of the car. Peugeot have really lost it since they stopped using pininfarina for styling eg: 406 coupe Vs 407 coupe...
"They seem to think they're the first people to address this issue"
Personally, I don't think it quite works as a design- the proportions and the detailing don't match up in the way the do on the Mustang or the Challenger - it looks like the Camaro details were applied to car never meant to have them.
oops, that should have been...
That's pretty much all wrong. With the Picasso Citroen have had a big success in the small MPV class, and their small cars (certainly Saxo, C2, and C3) have sold in very competitive numbers, particularly in the UK. it's in the larger classes where they've been squeezed by the universal decline in the "non-premium"…
It's got to be the jensen. at least with the lotus there's a chance of getting parts.
Well, the old FIA Group C formula of the 80s (and the F1 regs up to 1993) had elements of this as in F1 refuelling was banned (cars has 200 litres to cover 185 miles and no more) and in Group C, although refuelling was allowed, there was a limit to fuel consumption, intended to become more stringent year-on-year.
Well, the GT did have a comical set of rear seats to function as a 2+2.
By best friend ran a '71 BGT as a daily driver for 4 years from 2000 to 2004. Cost him a fortune in repairs. no electrical or mechanical gremlins, but the rust. Oh, the rust. Despite being garaged overnight, the daily toll of commuting 20 miles every day, rain, shine, or salted, did for the car.
The Pug probably wouldn't be a bad project in europe, where you'd have a hope of getting the parts (or, as suggested, dropping in a much newer PSA 2.0 in place of the XU)