@Vextoz: Thanks Vex!
@Vextoz: Thanks Vex!
@ChiltonGaines: Wealthy Gadabout: Thanks Mr. Monopoly!
Grats to all the winners. I'm honored to have my first shopcontest selection (at no. 14). I gotta give a shout out to Falcon Punch and C-C-Combo breakers, along with of course the winner by the7k.
@Brauner02: Yeah I was sort of being intentionally facetious. I'm sure the combat system and engine will resemble that of Bioshock and that there will be some small narrative ties. However if you're going by that train of logic they could have just called Bioshock "System Shock 3"
"He doesn't call it prequel though and drew no narrative connections between the BioShocks we have played"
I can solve the cube in about 90 seconds. I tried to take my game to the next level by learning how to combine my solving of certain layers but ended up getting in over my head. One day maybe god will teach me his 20-move ways.
@Suzaku: Guess I hadn't really been paying too much attention to its reviews as of yet. That's a shame. Thanks for the info.
Can't wait to learn more about Deus Ex and Final Fantasy 4 Heroes of Light. Also, here's to hoping FFvs.13 is being saved for TGS next month.
The first paragraph of this article is hilarious, so is the Rhythm Core screenshot. Way to take some lame and make it funny Fahey!
@psycoking: Thanks!
@packetloss: Thanks Packet, I try :-).
Sigh, too late to this one. Tell Meat Bun to re-stock the mediums in Organic Tan and I guarantee at least one more sold.
@dragonfliet: Just saying as far as painting goes, oil on canvas was/is the go to medium. It's not a perfect analogy, but it gets my point across.
Why oil on canvas?
Concept art is very sleek, shame it won't be in the game.
Yes the author may be over focusing on one defined use of the term "immersive," but I too have noticed that word being thrown around a little much.
@kyzur: Existenze you mean. I actually just got that from netflix but haven't watched it yet.
This picture your own work Luke? It was a nice touch.
@RaindropBebop: I was referring mostly to Portal and HL:2 which I played on my 360 don't feel a real need to purchase on steam now that its available on my mac. I agree though, for the most part.