
“I own a 2CV, 2 DS’ and an SM.”

DS, without question.

Aren’t governments run by religious zealots great?

“Sticks and stones will break my bones but”

Further proof that many countries in the Middle East are still living with 15th century standards/laws.

I think, for me, its just I worry that i DONT have the restraint this rider does. I envy the rider, and respect him, all the more for it.
For me, if you punch me 3 times AND hit my girlfriend i’m probably seeing red and not thinking straight. I would have punched this dude multiple times out of anger. I dont think that

You’re a terrible person.

Headline should have been:

I remained libertarian through bankruptcy.

The fact that what you want to do is a bad idea is your problem. No one elses.

Everybody who knows me knows I love cars, breaking traffic laws, being an asshole, what can I say... I commuted from day 1 on the highways between Philly and NYC. It, like sarcasm, comes with the territory. My social and political views are nearly identical to Ron Swanson, however...

The crop on your image makes it seem that way, but the dash is at an angle and the gauges are vertical, so they’re recessed into the dash at the bottom and proud of it at the top. This angle makes it look uneven, but if shot directly from the front the holes would appear circular.

The hole is oval because the surface they are mounted in is at an angle different than the gauge. That’s how geometry works.

I preferred to call it the Mechanized Unified Systematic Tire Annihilation & Nullification Generator, or MUSTANG

Nice write-up, but regarding this: “At this price, the Mustang GT is no longer really the everyman’s performance car.” After factoring in inflation, $40k in 2015 is almost exactly equivalent to the $19k that a Mustang GT cost in 1987, and it was certainly known as “everyman’s performance car”. It’s funny that our

i, for one, can’t stand the duplicity in the club’s post about this. you want to feign moral outrage over this shit? after you and your buddies are out there on public roads doing this shit?

Jerome Bettis, Casey Hampton, Roethlisberger (in some seasons), Dave Parker, Willie Stargell, Spanky LaValliere.

Welcome home, Phil

In Germany the base Amarok work truck (so with a diesel and a manual 6-speed) costs a few thousand more than a base (gasoline) Jetta.