@rpm285sm: I don't consider my reaction to the video to be knee-jerk. I don't think the video is homophobic; I don't endorse a boycott; I don't hate people who liked the concept or content.
@rpm285sm: I don't consider my reaction to the video to be knee-jerk. I don't think the video is homophobic; I don't endorse a boycott; I don't hate people who liked the concept or content.
@Juan José Méndez Gallardo: "This is only one commercial and it isn't about gay people. It's about the way some play it."
@BigBossOgryn: When you and your friends start marketing to millions using inflammatory language "ironically" expect the same kind of outcry and outcome. Until then carry on as you will. #modernwarfare2
@Squiffy: My Elite RRoD'd and to my horror my 3 year Future Shop warranty supposedly did not apply to Red Ring. It had been freezing up before the Ring happened so I insisted that they fix that 'problem' instead of me having to send it back to M$. I got it back a week later good as new. Phew.
@Modus_Operandi: Nail-on-head.
@Kanji08: I am not outraged, only disappointed. I also have 'a pair'.
@roflwaffles is actually a Spesh Mareen: Nice try. If that was their so-called premise, then they really missed the mark. Bad joke is bad. #nsfw
@roflwaffles is actually a Spesh Mareen: You're clueless. That viral could have been funny without the reference. But sadly Infinity Ward went there. It's not a hate crime. It is however juvenile and lame.
@Soldier_CLE says that Hideo Kojima has to make MGS till the day he dies!: Sure someone has to be the butt of a joke. Too bad this "joke" was so very lame.
I have just played both demos. Outside of Band Hero's karaoke mode and "Guitar Heroine" makeover, there is no real difference between these titles. To me both games are barely competent, most glaringly when dealing with vocals.
@Islandkiwi: re: secret achievements. Some secret achievements are necessary and are only secret in order to conceal plot spoilers incorporated in the name or description of the achievement itself.
I am a gamer. I am also gay. I don't usually care about whether "gay content" is included in games. The exception to this is when, like in Fable 2 or Mass Effect, relationship choices are made available to me. I enjoyed Fable 2's option to marry a guy. (As an achievement whore completionist I still married a woman and…
@Schroeder: Why can't a game have both achievements and genuine replayability? Just because some developers use achievements as a crutch doesn't mean the concept of achievements is flawed. The execution of some achievements may be hackneyed but that's really the fault of the designer.
@Omniel: XBOX Live is not dependent on the console. Achievements are tracked via your online account not the hardware.
@EthnicX: Sorry but a full retail release of any game cannot be a successful release based on the hardcore fan base alone. If Capcom used the platform model it would still be able to cater to the hardcore. Bungie for example provides the MLG crowd with elite playlists and modes via DLC maps and updates but they…
@ComplicitOwl: It was also DLC for GH2 and I never had a desire to play the first one.
@splatternick: I was going to get Guitar Hero 2 recently but since the release of Less Talk More Rokk and now Killer Queen there is no longer a need. Huzzah!
@fiffer86: True, after reading that interview a strong case can be made for a retail release. That said Street Fighter is still a great candidate for the "platform treatment".
@maraxusofk: Both sports and fighting games need to mature into platforms rather than iterative yearly releases. EA seems to be leaning in this direction. Capcom should really explore this concept in earnest.