Quintin West

There are. The ones presented above are specific to and associated with NOAA/ESRL. For instance, the graph of Ascension Island is from UK’s Met Office.

We all know like all German cars it will be way underrated in terms of power figures.

Real ‘merican horses, like mustangs or pintos...

Damnit Audi! You did it wrong.

Seriously Audi thought this was more important than letting us have an RS3 hatch or RS4?

White nationalist is an umbrella term for a couple of groups.

This would actually save me money. The foundation I like courts me around $46 dollars. I have sensitive skin, due to some medical issues, but also blotchiness, breakouts, dark circles, and dryness, which certain foundations can aggravate. Lancôme is on the list of “good” ones I can use (so is Clinique, Fenty, and

I think his tweet was terrible timing and dumb, but we basically do next to nothing about medical mistakes, we have anti-vaxxers causing increases in flu cases, our mental health care in this country is a joke, and our safety standards with cars is actually pretty good but our infrastructure sucks and leads to

If regular allocation cannot even begin until 2021 this might be one of the first Corvette models that initially makes buyers some money in private market resale.

holy crap, are you seriously complaining about something like this?  good god

Wrong. B8.5 is clearly the best looking generation.

Now THAT’S a clown shoe.

You don’t expect them to park with the poors, do you? 

The natural habitat of an Audi S-car is apparently parked on an airport runway. 

Uhhh, the first nude beach I saw was in Crete, circa 1985 when I was in the US Army and there was some talent on display. So much so that a sergeant, a brother from South Carolina if I recall, was so excited at the nekkid bodies taking in Mediterranean sun that he proudly did strut down the beach with his junk at

sure, it’s a bunch of 40 year old bloated Germans with their junk proudly out 

I always thought it was a bad argument when people tell me “no one will be listening to this in 20 years.” This mostly gets said by hardcore classic rock people I know, who also happened to grow up listening to that music. I always tell them the people growing up with those bands will probably keep listening to them

Agreed. I have all of the respect in the world for what he did and it is so SO far beyond my abilities (and time, and finances, and garage space) to execute that I can’t really give him crap for it. I understand the stance scene and used to run with guys who had bagged cars like this. They’re great guys and just like

Of course, Google's weather forecasts are provided by Weather.com, which is one of the top five above...