Quintin West

Ok everyone calm your tits. You can't see much besides a side view. Even on their site you can't really tell what the volume of the handle feels like through the images they show. Depending on where the peak of the point where the four angled sides come together in the image are, it should actually create a somewhat

Who the hell did they let do the interior design on this piece of garbage? Those are the most uninspired boring shapes I have ever seen in automotive interior. For such a high price tag you think they could have made things look a little better than 1990's and boxy; not to mention the boring color scheme.

Someone has probably already said this but in my eyes it's simply a marketing tactic to get Deadmau5 to actually get this from Nissan and thus free celebrity endorsement/marketing for Nissan. In a way, if Deadmau5 paid Nissan for the car, they wouldn't even have had to pay for the marketing costs after all. Pretty

So true. Typically I will use something until it breaks or it physically can't do what I need from it. Even then though, I don't usually throw my old stuff away, it usually manages to end up in a closet somewhere. Either that or I sell it/give it to someone who needs it. Come to think of it, I don't even have that

Apparently no one understands the joke you're clearly making about this and for some reason feel compelled to to be dicks. Like raging, vein popping, Viagra pumped dicks.

If everyone really did this and didn't send their things to these places anymore then we would, in effect, be taking money away from them. Nonetheless, they need to get out of doing that crap and hurting themselves so much. Its totally irresponsible for us to dump our garbage there and let their lives be the fallout

Oh come the fuck on apple. Despite having a great design team and awesome simple ideas for making their products great and very usable, there is no fucking justification for a $400 price tag. Not even manufacturing would make this thing cost that much im sure.

Just to clarify for those who don't know, for every 3 dB gain in volume you need to double power. This is why car audio people are always talking about having huge amounts of power. Lets say you are getting 140 dB in your car from your sub woofers and you want to push them to be a little louder. If you are using 500

Its because all these 'kids' and inventors see the smart watch as something thats' relatively simple when they have absolutely no background in it. In reality on a high level, you need people who have vast backgrounds in front-end/back-end programming, materials and methods, manufacturing processes, manufacturing cost

Gotta be honest im pretty close to not coming back to and gawker websites due to all the ads. Theres not only a youtube ad, but also a pop up ad now that will play before I have even get to watch the youtube ad...

Now playing

See this more in depth video. He talks about the point you brought up. He explains NOT to use simple hashing alone.

On an unrelated note you can make really fun music by pressing the number keys when the video is fully loaded. 4 is the kick, 6 is a snare, 1 and 7 could be used as a sound effect, 2 3 5 8 and 9 can be used for the melody.

Sure in theory this is smart but I can't imagine many people are going to be excited about this. Personally I only enjoy having like 5-10 go to apps on my phone. Anything else and it just becomes noise.

5 seconds in, techno, dashcam video, old truck on the right side of the frame... yep, its Russia.

Don't forget a lot of the people who work at call centers can't easily get jobs in other places. They could be a little less intelligent or maybe they have other limiting factors that make them the sort of people who we can just stereo typically imagine working these jobs. I know lots of people like this and for them

Isnt it odd that we could literally take away all of the companies power by simply not wanting to use the internet or tv? This is well known of course but it just always astounds me how much we "need" these things. How did we get to a point where we let the "luxuries" in life become our slave masters?

"Heimlich, we need to do something new for the M3 coupe to make it really stand out and catch the attention of the public. What do you propose?" "Why don't we call it an M4?" "FUCKING BRILLIANT!" Just kidding. In all seriousness you know what I would buy other than then m4? Nothing, id just buy the damn m4

Just my opinion so please don't respond by telling me I am an idiot, but I would have rather looked at some in focus pictures than deal with 98% (which i skipped) of this video. :(

This new LF-LC is, in my opinion, the only car lexus was able to pull their stupid inward angle bracket look on. Am I the only one who hates that design feature?

That may be true at very low settings. Im actually getting out of gaming in the last few years. I am actually an Industrial designer so I empathize with your point. At the same rate, I love gaming rigs for the pure fat hot graphics they can spit out at high resolutions. One thing I don't enjoy is how when doing some