Emmanuel Transmission

What happens when you run out? There's no reliable infrastructure in place to re-torque your Genesis...

That there's a '58 Chevy Impala.

What's with the shezno-yezno soundtrack? My irritation threshold=15 seconds.

It must be art, judging from his monumental hair and serious goggle-eyed mien.

...and this would be found in the (wait for it...) baby food aisle?

My first car (in '68) was a '55 Nomad, and I've owned 5-'55s, 1-'56 and 2 '57s since. I have a set of original body drawings for the (non-running) '54 show car, and have scratchbuilt a substantial number of these to scale.

That is, by far, the ugliest POS I've ever seen a Corvette tortured into, and Corvettes are poster kids for terrible modfathers. Thanks for the nightmare.

THREE misteaks in the first 9 wurds.


A very cool idea. Now all it needs is some goddamned shiny paint in a bright color (even bright WHITE) to replace that Boring Blue rolled-on latex.

There's one a theez in my 'hood near Mount Tam. I often follow it into The City.

Ummm, who's his cosmetologist? Prolly a Worsham grad.

Bring back the SM.

I'm not a big fan of these Slugabed Spaceship Corvettes. (Or "Vettes" or "Vets" or pick your misspelling...).

You've got it right there. My weekday commute from Marin County into my office in SF is populated by exactly these vehicles.

I remember driving by "Stinkney" during my 30+ years in the Sometimes Breezy (in the wrong direction...) City.

Haven't got time to read thew whole thread, so...

Gibson would like you to forget:

Imperitive? You lost me. How 'bout "melon-choly"?

Wait until you see my Van de Graaf SUV...it's hair-raising.