
So now it's a PS4 that's $100 more, slightly less powerful, and has a camera with a direct pipeline to the NSA headquarters.

This is the best Zelda art style. Hands down. I loved Skyward Sword's cartoony yet serious look, but this is just beautiful. Don't change a thing, Ninty.

I'm not a big fan of downloadable games. One of my favorite things in the entire world is tearing off the plastic, opening a new game, and the satisfaction of putting it in the drive and playing it. As convenient as it is, I'll stick with my physical copies.

Is this supposed to be surprising? I can't tell if the article is just being sarcastic or not.

So, just when is Mx. Bieber going to jail?

I've got a better one: PREPARE YOUR ANUS


I bet you one million pesos that the dog dies. If he doesn't die, he gets *this* close at least three times. I guarantee it.

Thats the one that fires the needle-like bullets, right?

I'm really a combination of a lot of these. I usually just go on my own, using teammates as bait, but still almost always at the top of the scoreboard.


You know it's probably still on the memory, right? When you delete something, it's still there, it just means it can be overwritten should you run out of room. GET THOSE PICTURES AND PUT THEM ON EVERY FORM OF SOCIAL MEDIA KNOWN TO MAN

A not-so-temporary account.

Can we please stop reporting on this guy? Er... Not a guy... No one really knows... anyway, all he wants from this is attention, and if we don't give him that anymore, he'll probably just give up.

The Xbox One also thought you looked impressive. It was watching the whole time.

Tha Adventure Time one is my favorite.

Because EA is such a trustworthy company.

You're fine, right? Not having an aneurism?

That was actually pretty good.

Smacked? More like shot. With a Raging Bull. Full metal jacket. Snub nose.