
I'm on a horse. (Old Spice whistle)

I thought kids with iPhones were spoiled.

Yes it is.

I also found this on my internet journey for the .gif above. What is this, I don't even...

"Never ever mention this to anyone."

If it comes to that, we'll be alright.

I think the Chinese are trying to slowly kill off all the other countries to remove business opposition, and when everyone realizes this is a bad idea, there will be an explosion in the number of Chinese buffets. Then, when everyone is on the toilets crapping their insides out with food poisoning, they will take over.

This looks good, especially after playing Battlefront for so long.

It could be good for styling (knowing China, probably not), but other than that, what the heck?

The kid is 3 years old.

I like grilled onions just as much as the next guy... but seriously?

Now I have to change my pants. My bowels overloaded with awesome.

This is the best thing ever.

I had literally watched it for the first time on TV a while ago, and with the repeated "Snake" and "Plisskin" I thought I was watching a Metal Gear movie.

Did we all forget Need for Speed: Most Wanted?

Is there a suicide variant?

The sad part is that all the kids taking part only play Call of Duty.

Take that, rich people!!!!

#Comment of the Century

Hopefully not an exception to Rule 34.