
Starfox cosplay. It's a secret to everybody.



Supercar in the Snow

You just won the internet.

The snowboarding was the best part.

Well crap.

You guys remember that kid's dream car? The BMW? Here it is, from the BMW Facebook page. Note the lack of boxer engines.


I agree, the blobeye was much, much better.

It looks they ran out of material in the middle of building the fender flares, and Ford weny, "Screw it, put them on anyway."

Have you PLAYED the new Need for Speed? You get used to it.

What is everyone so sad about? I'm sure it still worked afterwards.

I'm pretty sure cops aren't supposed to just open fire on a truck, regardless of who they thought was driving it. I'm no officer, but I've heard it countless times, and I have an uncle who is a cop, and I've heard it from him as well.


I play the new Need for Speed Most Wanted all the time.

I can really SEE WHERE you are coming FROM, IT LOOKS like AN older Cadillac. CAPS!!

I had a secondhand PS1 and an N64 my dad won in a drawing when I was a kid.

That sounded terrible, if you ask me.

You aren't missing anything, it sounds pretty awful.