
it's almost as if it's a joke and not actually a real term

So, last summer, I went on a mission to figure out my proper bra size and pick up some decent bras. Having a kid had totally messed with my boobs, and I was left clueless and frustrated.

All of the stars for you today. I wish I had more to give you.

You, and this idiotic Minniemouse character, are the reasons half of mothers stay away from Jez, feminists or not. The judgement... oh the judgement, when if you had bothered to read past the quote I made from her, you would realize working out wasn't even the point. It was the point that she seems to think "it's

I just need everyone to know that I found these at 3am while trying to fall asleep and immediately sent them to Colin because we are bros and also these fucking cookies need to be seen!!

I made dis.

Ain't NOTHING wrong with a white wine spritzer on a hot summer day. Throw some thinly sliced cucumber in that bad boy and get it.

It's fascinating how angry this article is making so many men in the comments. I mean, yes, I get that many of them are trolls, but still—they're literally furious that someone suggested taking credit for their partner's pregnancy is kind of a shitty thing to do. And they're all swearing up and down that if they can't

If your response to a woman telling you she finds it the opposite of supportive it to tell her to shut up because your motives for saying it are more important than what she wants, you're not being very supportive, which rather belies your claim.

Well, I do. After nearly dying with my first child, and being terrified that was going to happen with my second, yeah. I don't like the phrase "we're pregnant" okay?

Wait… so being invested in this kid they also decided to make is something you feel like men deserve a special cookie for?

Hey, I want dads to be the ones to be pregnant! That would be amazing, and I might even have kids if it were the case. But until, "we're" not pregnant. Full stop.

Nobody can ever have a big ass again...

Isn't if funny to see White people in the comments, complaining that the author is speaking for Blacks? You guys are doing the same thing!! Why can the questions not be asked? Why do the mummies have: big boobs, big butts, big red lips, big hoop earrings, and long nails? Didn't this woman appropriate Japanese culture

Barbasol?!? Sheeyit, you fancy. I've always used a bar of Dove soap. I feel like I can't even see through shaving cream on my leg to get close to the hair. Conditioner works in a pinch, too.

I found this page while searching for "partially defatted fatty beef tissue", yes that is still gross but that help resolve an unanswered query of mine.

Excuse me, hot dogs are made from the parts of a raccoon, a rat, a pigeon and a boot. That's just basic knowledge.

Why do I have to be? I was responding to one comment. Regardless of her feminist credentials — or whatever you're hinting at — divisive comments don't help anyone.

Way to start an extremely annoying titty war thread. I'm sure that's what Jezebel wanted so good job.

No it's not, and I know there are merits to both, we've all seen umpteen arguments about it; it just bothered me that the OP had to chime in by parsing out a positive quote about small boobs then respond with a comment about how "goddamned great" her big boobs are. Everything is not a competition.