
I was serving appetizers at a wedding once:

Lady: What's that??

I can kind of understand the house argument because that's a huge expensive and a huge commitment, but she's looking for a down payment on an apartment?? Is that different than a security deposit? It's certainly less money and commitment than a house.

I feel the same way! I clicked the royal website link and spent awhile reading and cooing over pictures. Towards the end of the piece on the Prince George's first year, they mention he got a cuddly wombat while on tour in Australia, and this was the official response:

"We go away with wonderful memories, and George

Look at all those pleats (?) on the sleeve!! It's so beautiful!!

I always have a hard time writing and this makes me cringe so I'm just pasting the email I sent my boss. I'm a teacher at a school who had to deal with an older, male, part-time teacher. Small details and "names" have been changed.

tl;dr creepy older teacher insisted on getting dinner with me so we could "lesson

My question would be how do you go about looking this information up? Would you already need to know their instagram/twitter handles? I tried googling myself (with google incognito!) and I have such a common name that I was only able to find one thing attached to me, but no social media.

Wait are you saying C.A. Pinkham is actually Colin? Wow! So many new discoveries! :D

A couple of summers ago my fresh new boyfriend suggested we bike to Navy Pier and we decided to get high before going. I hadn't smoked in a couple of months because I was applying a job that drug tested, but I'd gotten the job and was ready to make up for lost time. I made the rookie mistake of not recalibrating my

accidental post

accidental post

It just seemed like GlossandGlitter missed the point and when someone said something about it she was rude. There's always arguing between big-breasted and small-breasted women and if people were just less patronizing maybe it would stop.

Slightly off-topic but I wanted to spread the word: because when you're small it's nice to have a bra that fits properly. In my case, I thought forever that I was a 34A (except I never filled them out properly) but I was actually a 32C.

Has anyone seen Brother vs. Brother?? My mom got cable recently and I'm really curious!!

I loved that show (and the magazine) when I was just a CHILD. This Old House rules!

I just don't get why Lily Allen would say that...and then why Alfie Allen would point out that she lied.

Remind me—what movie is brother who assassinates brother?

Is that THE John Green of YA fame??????

I had a class at the Lincoln Park Zoo once and thankfully only once. I had stopped to admire a group of monkeys when suddenly I heard a shout and a man pushed me aside. One of the monkeys was clinging to the bars of the cage and maliciously peeing on everyone who got too close.

Sorry to jump in—you just seemed genuinely curious so I thought I'd explain.

I actually liked it quite a bit! I thought it was entertaining and I had just read the book so it was really neat to see all of these scenes come to life. I also liked the rags-to-riches aspect of it and the eventual spiral out of control. The

I taught sex ed to a group of 4th and 5th graders last month. It wasn't exactly in the curriculum but we did mention it because some of the kids were wanted to know why people had sex or why people masturbated.