
I don't shaving is painful, I think stubbly hairs are painful. I am squeamish about putting a razor that near to something so delicate and sensitive, but that's strictly due to an overactive imagination* than any actual accidents. Also, when shaving between the legs, there's a certain lack of visibility that's

I find it interesting that you associated bush with "completely unkempt;" it's reflective of a lot of our attitudes regarding public hair (some mentioned in the article, that it's dirty or gross). I know you're not the only person who thinks this way, I just thought it was an interesting association brought up in the

I KNOW. I tried asking my roommate once, because she routinely shaves, when I commented on the itching/ingrown hair issues she just said "hm."

Okay this may look ugly, but I thought it was a brilliant idea and I'm totally doing it as soon as I get back to my apartment after winter break (it hasn't been all that cold in Chicago this year yet).

My momma did this with a tube sock and rice and used it on her neck for cricks and aches. I love the foot warmer adaption!

If you're moving to Chicago, you should ask Erin to write you an article on how to winterize/insulate/weathproof your body when you go outside. This is my fourth winter and that's always been the tricky part (okay not this winter—this winter is beans. wtf Chicago).

Thaaaank you! :)))

Ummm you wouldn't happen to have the recipe for that My Little Pony drink would you?


Our jaws are definitely related. I'm only 21 though and my wisdom teeth definitely are nowhere near done :( are you suggesting it might just get more crooked?

My dentist wanted me to keep mine since they were growing in straight. Normally I hate the dentist with a passion but at least I feel like he's got my best interest at heart!

If possible, could you link to the article? It sounds interesting and worthy of being critiqued. Normally I'd just google, but if it's all about pubes...

Same here! Won't that baby have little scratches (or at least temporary welts) from the puppy's paws?

I know I'm a little late to the party, but this post reminded me of something I'd been mulling over recently.

Hahaha I've definitely done that with brownie mix and soy milk before.

What a beautiful coat color!

Wow, I REALLY want some cookie dough/birthday cake/birthday cake remix ice cream right now. Or just some cookie dough.

On Thanksgiving, our poor chow mix was given alllllll kinds of scraps and treats, so she spent the next day laying around digesting and releasing particularly noxious farts.

I bet Leo doesn't mind Django because he's read about Walter!

Don't be scared! I use an old toothbrush and a pair of tiny scissors (they came in a kit with my tweezers, nail file, nail clippers, and cuticle-pusher from Crabtree & Evelyn; I suppose they might be hangnail scissors). I wet the toothbrush and brush my eyebrows up, and trim everything that falls outside my eyebrow.