
I am acquainted with a woman who professionally partied and sexed w/Sheen. She said he's a good lay. While that information was titillating for about ninety seconds, I realized quickly that all I wanted to do was go find a vat of Purell and dive into it.

I'm proof of this. I was placed on skim milk at the age of three months because I was gaining weight too fast. And yeah, I'm pretty much a perma-fatty. No matter how healthy I eat, with moderation, and lots of exercise, I can only get to a certain point and no further. I've accepted this, mostly, and have accomplished

Dear Orange Kitteh —

I'm great, thanks. January 12 was the seventh anniversary of my last day of radiation. I was really lucky because the cancer hadn't gone through the uterine wall. The only real lasting effect of the radiation is a tendency to having kidney stones and as long as I avoid soda and drink beaucoups of water every day I can

It applies to radiation patients too. Well, it did to me when I had to have pelvic radiation when dealing with uterine cancer. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I found his first video looking up Baltese! And yes, I'm squeeing again.

Why yes, I did squee. And may I add, LOVE LOVE LOVE! Please give that cutie a tummy rub from me. LOVE!

Well, hey, cuz! My people come from north Alabama, middle and west Tennessee, eastern Arkansas, and southern Louisiana.

As a native NCer, I LOVELOVELOVE your name! It still boggles me how many people ask me, as a local, if there's alcohol in Cheerwine. "Can I serve it to my alcoholic cousin at the family BBQ?" Lawsy.

Doesn't he? I've been sharing his articles with friends constantly the last couple of days. One in particular, who'd had a total kneejerk reaction while sitting atop a very high mountaintop that was clearly shoved up her tuckus, who'd made some truly ignorant comments about Hoffman's death. I'm happy to report that

Wait. WHAT?! Oh hell no. Johnny Depp, as much as I love him, will NEVER come close to William Powell's Nick Charles. Gad.

You're getting lots of love aimed in your direction from a total stranger right now. You have a good heart. Trust that the Universe will give you the opportunity to make amends and in the meantime, forgive yourself.

I'm liking it so far, considering there are only three episodes out. Loving Capaldi as Cardinal Richelieu. He's having a lot of fun with that character.

Congratulations! You have just been given virtual noogies!

I was watching The Musketeers from the BBC. Does that count?

You are very kind. Thank you.

Mine is still two-toned, but having been post-menopausal for several years due to uterine cancer, I can attest to the textural changes. I can't let my hair grow past a certain length because of the time, $$, and effort required to keep the last few inches decent. From having dealt with oily hair to what I have now has

Upstair Downstairs is on Netflix too! All the seasons, even. It's one of my dependable things to have going at work because I know the series so well that I can listen to it without having to have the visual.

Hey, I shnortled!

I binged a week or two ago, and it got a bit tiresome, admittedly. Also quite predictable. I've thought for ages that it is nothing but a knock-off of the original Upstairs Downstairs, but not quite as good somehow. It is true, though, that I'll watch the next season when it comes about.

More recently, I've been