You're getting lots of love aimed in your direction from a total stranger right now. You have a good heart. Trust that the Universe will give you the opportunity to make amends and in the meantime, forgive yourself.
You're getting lots of love aimed in your direction from a total stranger right now. You have a good heart. Trust that the Universe will give you the opportunity to make amends and in the meantime, forgive yourself.
I'm liking it so far, considering there are only three episodes out. Loving Capaldi as Cardinal Richelieu. He's having a lot of fun with that character.
I was watching The Musketeers from the BBC. Does that count?
You are very kind. Thank you.
Mine is still two-toned, but having been post-menopausal for several years due to uterine cancer, I can attest to the textural changes. I can't let my hair grow past a certain length because of the time, $$, and effort required to keep the last few inches decent. From having dealt with oily hair to what I have now has…
Upstair Downstairs is on Netflix too! All the seasons, even. It's one of my dependable things to have going at work because I know the series so well that I can listen to it without having to have the visual.
Hey, I shnortled!
I binged a week or two ago, and it got a bit tiresome, admittedly. Also quite predictable. I've thought for ages that it is nothing but a knock-off of the original Upstairs Downstairs, but not quite as good somehow. It is true, though, that I'll watch the next season when it comes about.
More recently, I've been…
Yer in mah brainz!
I love you! You are my hero!
Even Wills? o.O
Yes. I did a facepalm about 15 seconds in. Horrible on so many levels, not the least of which is that this fool lives in the vicinity. At least the kids are cute. Too bad they'll likely end up to be insufferable.
I'm a uterine cancer survivor (seven years!) who had all internal female organs removed in a radical hysterectomy and was not given the option of HRT due to the hormonal aspect of the cancer. Not only that, I was told to avoid plant estrogens, such as you find in soy, as a precaution. Chemical menopause occurred hard…
My favorite sentence of the day thus far. Kudos!
James Taylor wrote a song dedicated to his sow, Mona, after she died a natural death. It's on his album That's Why I'm Here.
This. Well typed. Thank you.
Having returned to North Carolina in 2011 after having spent thirteen years in Mississippi and several more in Memphis, I was briefly hopeful that I'd come back to some level of legislative sanity. Hoo, child, was I ever wrong!
After growing up with Jesse Helms as the perpetual senator of conservative inanity, and…
I have a dedicated Pearl Bailey playlist on Spotify, and it's my happy place at work. She was not only a great actor and comedienne, but she could tell the most amazing stories via her songs. For years I've wanted Queen Latifah to play Miss Pearl in a bio-pic. I can't imagine anyone better suited.
Psst. It's scHolarship. xo