
Exactly. For masks to work, everyone needs to be wearing them when you cannot physically distance from other people. Unfortunately, I’m guessing the people not wearing masks are less likely to be taking other precautions/taking the risks seriously thus more likely to catch it so should be wearing the masks. 

I respectfully disagree. We’re still on the first wave. It’s just moved out of places like NY and into places like Houston and Phoenix. Or it’s more like a game of Whack-a-Mole. It popped up in NYC but we didn’t hit it quickly enough whereas San Franciscano got the mole just as it was about to pop it’s head out. Not

5-14 days for symptoms (for the 70-80% who show symptoms), 2-4 days for people to admit they really have symptoms, 1-2 days to arrange a test and up to 4 days to process and record the results of that test. Screw the 7-day floating average, look at 2 weeks or more.

What I’m seeing is a distrust of media and public health officials. A lot of people have been brainwashed with “fake news” so those that haven’t had Covid or known a lot of people that have, just assume it’s another hoax.

I’m seeing a lot of that here as well, our meat packing plants were hit hard, but those are mostly staffed by minorities. We were an epicenter in our state, but since most of the sick and dying weren’t white, a lot of people I know didn’t know/believe Covid 19 was a problem.

Hmmm. If only we built a society that took care of people in times of hardship so that we wouldn’t have to risk an agonizing death for ourselves or family members in order to pay bills.

Oh, hi. I see that you knee-jerked your way into my replies.

And 500 Billion that they won’t tell who received it.

My state saw its highest number of confirmed cases over a 24 hour period today, with regional hospitals at a 350% increase in coronovirus-related patients, and the governor is still giving the green light to move into Phase 2. He requests people to wear a face mask in public - with a stupid smile plastered on his face

I’m in Texas. It’s already worse, and it started getting worse pretty much as soon as Governor Abbot put out a date for reopening.

Minority communities were impacted greater than white communities. This has led to a presumption by white communities that susceptibility to Coronavirus is tied to socio-economic/race conditions. NOT, with being in non-essential jobs or being able to work from home.

I, too, am in PA, and am a big ole NOPE with the new ‘guidelines.’ I also have a chronic lung condition, and, as much as I like Wolf, eff that ess right in the a.

Trump was the death knell for this country’s position as a superpower. Even when he glances at a reasonable policy—facing off with China more aggressively—he executes all policies according to his own selfish whim and in the worst fashion possible. He doesn’t even get what he’s trying for half the time.

OK, check your toilet paper if you were one of the ones who didn’t get a lot when it first hit. If you are one of the people that bought enough tp to last two years, though, you’re good, don’t go on another shopping spree.

What kind of masochist takes their vacation in Arizona, in June?!?

This virus will alter this country forever.

It’s a given there will be an increase because of the protests, however, most protestors are wearing masks, so we don’t and can’t know until later, how much the increase will be.

It would help if people didn’t seem to respond to reopening with “it’s over!  no more masks!  no more social distancing!  heck, let’s throwing massive, crowded parties!”

To add to what you said, I’d also love to see if we could create separate stats to exclude the micro-hotspots, like assisted living/nursing and those meatpacking plants. I’m kind of more interested in the “healthy general population” stats (not to ignore the others, but they do introduce noise that doesn’t apply to

...but it’s still all over the place.