

This comment has been around for a couple of months. It usually just languishes in the greys.

Yep, a troll. I’ve seen this comment pop up for a couple of months now. It usually stays in the greys.

“now, unintentionally, being applied to Trump”

My mom became a grandmother at age 44. No teen pregnancies either, my mom and sister just got married kind of young (19 and 22) and then had kids early (20 and 24).

How do trolls get pulled out of the greys, but my greys don’t even show up? wtf did I do?

I don’t know, but I do know that once you are struck by lightening you are more likely to be struck again. weird af

“She attended a highly competitive architecture program at the University of Ljubljana, but did not graduate, though she claimed in sworn testimony to have a bachelor’s degree.”

Good God, Big and Rich sound awful! I knew there was all that support the troops crap in country shows, but that’s gross extreme.

Me too. 

I don’t really see the big deal, looks like it was trying to be fun, but ended up being dumb and shallow. And something you’d love to make fun of for days!

Good grief, not this shit again. It has nothing to do with her class and everything to do with her lying over and over again her whole adult life. One of the reasons people looked at her past was b/c she has no evidence or real corroborating witnesses (that Larry King call proves nothing: we don’t actually know who

Tara’s father was a white collar professional, she absolutely should have known how to dress for her job.

Not this shit again. It has nothing to do with her class and everything to do with her lying over and over again her whole adult life. One of the reasons people looked at her past was b/c she has no evidence or real corroborating witnesses (that Larry King call proves nothing: we don’t actually know who the caller is,

I’m not understanding why what Natalie Portman said was wrong. She didn’t go into a lot of detail about what defund the police means, but she touched on the highlights of reallocating funds to social workers, mental health, etc. That is my understanding of it, am I wrong?

I think you underestimate how scary “defund the police” sounds to most Americans and overestimate how many people actually know about it and are on board. People aren’t that curious, even the democratic base. They aren’t going to research “defund the police” and are just going to listen to whatever talking head, if

I think they have to get jobs. Their first cousins Beatrice and Eugenie are not working royals (and their dad has made a big stink about it). Charles has made a point of downsizing the working royals.

“It was seeing a black person treated VERY differently when doing the EXACT same thing I did.”

This is a place for black people to talk about how they want their white allies to act. Not a place for white allies to tell black people how they want to act. Did you read the article?

I think he’s going to be in Maine. Forget where I saw that.