Medieval soccer, as in the original game of football as played in some parts of England as far back as the 13th century, involved mobs of villagers in a soccer equivalent of modern urban warfare, with good times had by all, a bit of diversion for the peasantry during the hurry-up-and-wait portion of farming in the…
“We want the ball, and we’re gonna sc—”
Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.
My daily fantasy consists of both of these companies going away.
Jason Pierre Paul had a small hand in it.
Sy Sperling won’t get none ($$$) unless you wear a bun, hun.
I’ll cosine that
It’s actually fairly important to the kickers and punters to get the K ball back if it goes in the stands, because the equipment guys generally only get enough time to break in the first 2-3 balls properly.
Spoken like a true a southie.
Is that a winky face, or did Jason lose his eye too?
I find the unrelenting passage of time to be alarming as well so I’m going to have to side with the police on this one.
Goodell also suspended the Governor of NC, Pat McCrory, 4 games for being “generally aware” that Greg Hardy lived in his state.
Coach must have a bad temper if it takes only one Kelvin to make him reach the boiling point.
Poor kid. He’ll never forget the day his uncle puked on him when he was 7.
He got a religious exemption because he worships Chronos.
It seems no matter what vehicle she attempts to use she’s doomed to be pedestrian.
Bold statement.
My submission and defense.