But it's still fun to see whether saber websites or Vegas odds were more accurate
But it's still fun to see whether saber websites or Vegas odds were more accurate
"Women can't properly discuss something they've never experienced."
Their earlier tweets are pretty corny and tone-deaf. But, to be fair, they say that delivery is 90% of comedy, and DiGiorno doesn't do delivery.
Or they just preferred the taste of Diet. Once you drink it for long enough it tastes normal and "normal" soda tastes horrendously sweet.
I get the gist of your gibe, but I think you're ginning up a giant problem that's marginal everywhere but your imagination.
...does not have arms long enough to box with God...
That's pretty cool actually. I'm going to get a tat on my forehead that says "network analyst".
I don't get that gif.
This is victim blaming. You and Tony Dungy are both victim blamers.
What a fucking piece of shit. I wish I could put some kind of witty spin on it, but honestly, fuck this guy.
You wanna prove your love? LICK that railing, motherfucker. Lick it together to prove your undying love. (But possibly dying bodies.)
I don't mind paying him as long as I know he's never going to have another plate appearance for the Braves.
It looks to me like she was talking to someone that she could see farther down the course and was raising her hand to wave.
I can't get over how poorly this was shot. Sometimes I'm such a bummer.
Lewis' premise is still baloney. There are myriad reasons simply getting on base help his team and does more than boost his average.
1) Pitcher must throw more pitches...get to the bullpen sooner. Helps Jays.
2) Instead of the 789 hitters the following inning. Now the pitcher must face 891, presumably putting more…
I also want to know all about her date. What's he like? Nerd? Jock? Nerdy jock? Does she like him? Or like-like him?
Having a different, clean button down everyday would be my major obstacle in being a multi-time returning champion. That and answering all the questions. Not to mention making small talk with Alex after every game. I am fucked on all Jeopardy fronts I guess.
We'll have more on this shortly.
Despite all your rage, they are still just some cats on a page
When he said "same-sex marriage" before changing it to "fags", did you get a sense of a real human there using the word fag to entice more reaction?