Billy Dee Williams

So... either tomorrow, or on Monday, I'll be working up a piece in greater detail about 1999 Mode. I'd like to pitch it as a freelance piece, but if that doesn't work out, I'll probably just post it on my Kinja page or on Tumblr. I think it's a really important topic, but nobody's ever really explored why it is what

Don't be a douche. You're disrespecting all of our armed service members with this type of attitude. They're not just machines that don't know right from wrong and when to and not to apply force. This asshole will eventually leave the Marines and have to live with the rest of us the real world. You want him as a next

I hope you all understand that most soldiers and vets aren't like this.

Totally agree with you. Thank goodness the driver didn't get out as my Spider senses are informing me that it would not of ended well for him.

This. If the soldier was deployed, got PTSD, and hasn't received effective treatment upon the end of his deployment, it's really a failing of the system. Nobody is winning, here. I can only hope this incident will ensure the marine get the help he may need. There are some similarly tragic stories coming out of Fort

Somebody brought up somewhere else that it might be PTSD. I don't want to make excuses for the guy, but he's definitely got some problems, and he might have earned them in service. Just a bad situation all around. I'm glad nobody got hurt here.

There's something wrong with you.

"Legal", no. "An offense which regularly goes unpunished"? Yep.

Let me rephrase this entire article:

Here's an extremely distasteful video of possible death via Hand Grenade being thrown into a Tank

I know we're a car site and all, but I just thought I'd share this super tasteless video about war, death, and such. As our American government worries about who's got bigger cajones

Having had to (shamefully) work for a Little Caesars a few years back [due to the job market], I just wanted to add a few things:

Porsche built its legacy on small, turbocharged engines - so I don't know what the hell you're on about.

You've picked two economy cars that have been given sporty apprehensions.

But it's actually functional.

Yeah, but if you ever need to julienne some carrots and celery for a party after you run out, there you go.

The Alfa Romeo Montreal definitely has one of the best hood scoops. It isn't overly intrusive, NACA ducts are always awesome, and the placement of it is also useful for styling as well; it was placed there to put less emphasis on the car's power bulge.

I may be the only Jalop reader to have actually bought one of these new in 1984. It was my daily driver for 3 years, and wasn't quite as terrible as it seems in retrospect. Good power from the tiny turbo, handled reasonably well (it did give me 360 on the Merrit Parkway in the snow once, but that was all me, not the

Thats not a LS400.

Once again, we're going to have to talk about Jalop Character vs. Actual Character

VIP'd out? Unless that has airbags to put it back up it shouldn't even move. The body kit is way over done, and why is it that tires aren't allowed a little bit of sidewall anymore?

It's actually a bit more realistic, assuming he was using a sideways combat stance and not a straight on combat stance. Your back arm needs more maneuverability because it's what grounds your weapon. If your weapons clash, you want to be able to manage the vibrations and hold the blade steady to counter attack. The