yessssss. I quietly love the H1s.
yessssss. I quietly love the H1s.
no gang shootings at an F1 race, only Nazi spanking orgies...
women drivers
I was working at a customer's house near there. He started telling me stories about flying F4s in Vietnam. He's now a flight instructor. They let him keep his tailhook (he flew for the Navy obviously). That was fking cool. He's also a big car guy and went and did that you-can-drive-a-NASCAR-around-a-track thing.
Typical Jalopnik goonery.
Jalopnik: leading the way in automotive journalism e-stalking
"How hard can it be?" segment - check
cts-v wagon
German 3 - DTM wars
did it bend the frame? is there going to be a group of Ford Explorer enthusiasts writing to Ford about this?
Hold my beer and watch this!
Jalopnik goonie reporting in
So there are a few investment bank CEOs that donate to charity. They can't all be bad right? Logical fallacy is a fallacy.
Mannnn, there's too many.
really? Houston is the donk capital? /wrists
Yes, Yes I do. I clearly cannot multitask effectively.
even though GM kinda semi-made this to fight the gt500, I was just hoping for a return to the "mine's bigger" hp wars - German style (Merc vs BMW vs Audi)
570 hp, mullets, and beer. What could possibly go wrong?