
Trying to make lemonade out of pretty sour lemons here, but - at least a chunk of that pentagon budget is going to research in some way. For example ironically it is them now pushing for renewable energies in several relatively large-scale ways since they had statistics showing them how many losses they take simply

You nailed it, that pie-chart is powerful; if I were a democratic congressman or senator - or the president - I would wear that thing as a big button on my jacket every time I go in front of a camera or into a budget debate with the 'budget cutting' republicans who are about to destroy the future of this country with

And they have a new logo too? Maybe that means they'll change their team name:

I thought Christian Bale already was insane ?

@blyan is not on fire: remember how Apple had another market by the balls, that market being for smartphones, by selling something called "the iPhone"...?

@lightninglouie: Palpatine probably had those medical droids specifically programmed to make Vader suffer - and he would watch the whole thing on CCTV while stroking his light saber.

@aak7268: But he has his subscription only because SQ has such well written articles, about how to avoid pressure sores and such, and not because of the pictures...

@NightyFury: Right, they could/should have put some breathing mask on him while he is all stripped down, and/or maybe suspend him in a tank, a la Luke-on-Hoth-post-Wampa.

@persiston: Alternate history angle, that would explain it.

@Foohy: The lack of speed limits is to Germany what the lack of gun controls is to Americans: it kills people by the bundles while having no actual benefit in exchange but you can't have a rational discussion about it. You really don't want to have to deal with both in one single country.

Sorry, didn't have to time to read it in time (heh...). But being an aircraft nerd I wanted to point out - sooo, this is happening during the 'Blitz', correct? The German air attacks on London. Yet the planes on the cover seem to be B-29s, you know, those Boeing made things that firebombed Tokyo, killing, what,

@kagekiri: Yes, that is pretty astounding that he is not nominated. Maybe the Razzie people thought he's too young and it'd be too traumatizing for him.

@syafiqjabar of Mars: Well, he was pretty bad, but it's still unfair to place him in the same category as Jackson Ratbone. I mean, there is 'pretty bad' and there is Holy Fucking *$%#^*%!!! bad.

@Arken: Also, in the process it would probably be the scientist who breaks down.