
@snowy2004: As I say somewhere below I was shocked to find myself fantasizing about hitting Rathbone in the face with a hammer every time he was trying to act - even after I had turned off the sound... I think that counts as "burning hatred bad" (and I'm a big fan of the cartoon series).

@ampersands: Maybe I spoke too rashly; I will watch the next installment and if there is a good reason for the whole Elder Wand business being as it is I will declare myself as standing corrected.

@bookling: Hmm, so if I watch movie 7/2 (sometime next year I presume) it will all fall into place?

I watched the most recent 'Harry Potter', after skipping numbers 4-6 (both movies and books), and while I didn't completely regret going (enough neat special effects etc.) I found the story utterly annoying on account of not making all that much sense. However I am being told that the movie actually staid very close

@inverts: I'm with you on that one.

@enanooo: I was warned (by the original io9 review, for example, and simply by seeing the trailers) but when it was shown on the plane just the other day I figured I might as well...you're exactly right: oh. my. god. After a while I unplugged the earphones just to make it through to the end - but even without sound

Nicely put, excellent post, just the kind of argument I love to make myself (and annoy the hell out of most people who went to watch the movie with me).

Ah, the EU Times, home of classic headlines such as

@Dyn: That sounds mental

Space Invader socks, pshaw...I have an entire Space Invader sweater !!

Not the most likely place for something like this to be developed, England.

@Vortal_Bondage: It's a great map but you're right, the title and text by NASA, while strictly speaking not wrong, are a tad misleading at first.

@bikmate: It's because we always eat our vegetables and you Romanians seemingly don't

@akacrash: Can I borrow your jackhammer while you are surfing the web?

Read this post yesterday at 10:29 pm PST, went out on the street - and there was the moon beginning to be eclipsed! Nice! Thanks io9

@FrankN.Stein: Ahaha, brilliant! Right on the mark!

@V: Interesting point, hadn't thought of that.

@spambin: Maybe there were no H. Sapiens in Spain at that time. That should be relatively easy to find out (too lazy to do it myself though). If there were H. Sapiens then I'd agree, it might as well have been them/us.

@FrankenPC: It really does, doesn't it...?!