
@Zuldim: Yep, must be pretty packed down there in the 8th

@Sakurafire: No, not bovine, Smeagol92055 is right, that's what you get when you bottle snake-oil on a daily basis

@Mali Burek: The 8th Circle of Hell, to be precise, reserved for those who committed fraud.

@CodenameV: That was probably the area where allied bombers that had to abort their missions before reaching their targets in Germany would drop their bombs, while on the way to their bases in southern England. It would have been too risky to try a landing while fully ammunitioned up. Dropping the load into the sea

Now playing

I think I know what might have been dumped at the yellow star/'unknown' - locations, what else could they have done with it after the war?

@Edix: Don't worry, they were sealed in steel cans, guaranteed to withstand the salt water for at least, oh, 60-70 years...

@ggodo: And, pleasing me beyond belief, Uatu the Watcher is wearing a dirndl!

@allium: I vote for Ekranoplan on Hydrofoil Dieselpunk action

@jamesryan: I just remembered this Kriegsmarine project of a jet powered hydrofoil attack boat:

@jamesryan: Of course if this is really Captain America's vehicle and not one of his opponent's then they are taking some liberties with which side they get their inspirations from - but they are artists, so they can invoke Artistic License...

@jamesryan: That was exactly my first thought as well!

Tapping the vast green tea deposits off Konfuzius Gate...

Tapping the vast green tea deposits off Konfuzius Gate...

@Nivenus: Seconded. Good SciFi can thrive in unexpected places. I remember when the Berlin Wall came down, I was in junior high, or some equivalent of that, for a short time we could get their East Marks at a rate of 20:1 for our West Marks and buy their books with it, books that were printed on something that looked

@grimjack28: It is one thing to agree that there is a chance (how large a chance is entirely impossible to determine) that there is something we would call life, and even intelligent life, somewhere in the universe. Of course there is such a chance.

If he were a properly evil inventor his goal would be to destroy submarines with typhoons instead

6-Shooter Jousting, a popular pastime amongst nobility in the Wild West

Which side is the zeppelin on?

@ManchuCandidate: I might have told you that already but - you know you have to put them all on an album sometime soon, right?!

@David L Reinke: 3 for 3, even though I dropped out of first-year Japanese...!