
@Casimiro De Almeida Barreto: Ah, good point. But on the other hand the early jets were most vulnerable on take-off and landing, since the early jet engines couldn't throttle up very fast. So the allied fighters would loiter around the jet's airfields, once they had figured out which ones they were, to have a least a

??..."Great shades of Total Recall!"...??:

I have a great recipe for Dwarf Galaxies, with a cream sauce and glazed baby carrots. They go well with truffles, too

@Matteo8778: I think that title was meant a bit tongue-in-cheek. But strictly speaking you're right, 'tractor' is derived from Latin 'trahere' (or was it from 'trahinare'? Gah, my Latin sucks), to pull, to draw. While this thing is indeed pushing.

I should have expected that

@jetRink: I very much disagree with your opinion, but the debate over whether the atomic bombings were justified is one that I don't really want to have right now (or, have yet again, as it also just took place on io9 a few weeks ago).

@simonbarsinister: The Brain Asplode Barrette was all the rage in the '46/'47 fashion season, but in fashion history it is often unfairly overshadowed by its much more lasting competitor from that same time, the Bikini 2-piece bathing suit (I wonder why)

@Bluesroo: It'll keep you on edge, that's for sure...

@Bluesroo: Well, I'm not a physicist, just a hobby-fearmonger. Maybe it won't be that bad after all

'Time Bandits' is in my personal Top 100 Movies list. But to see it after having been remade (ha, Remade...hello China Mieville...) in 3D I'd have to go to the cinema, right? Hmm...

Speaking of Ewan McGregor being there and movies being or not being made and time travel...

@gravityhomer: Right?! I was wondering about that, is that really "all" that would happen, messed up bird's migratory patterns and navigational instruments? Losing the shield against cosmic radiation, that would be a problem of an entirely different order of magnitude! Would such a loss of shielding be exacerbated by

@8x10: So basically an Italian hipster with crazy blue hair?

@The Curse of Millhaven: Endless rounds of 'motorized infantry company in defense', not a bad way to spend time while waiting for the fall-out to decay

@ManchuCandidate: Re: disparity between Soviet and Western electronics - tru dat, but on the plus side those Soviet games look like they would easily survive the EMPs of a full scale nuclear conflict; if only because there just aren't any circuits in there sensitive enough to be fried by the Pulse.

@99TelepodProblems: Ah, Leonid, he got those medals for his own high scores in Motherland Invaders and Kossac Man, when he was quite a gamer himself during his days as a Young Pioneer.

Maybe someone left a copy of the script lying around and she read it?

@fury161: I agree. If you like Moebius have a look at the 'John DiFool/The Incaal' series, drawn by him, and written by Jodrowsky, no less. Though you probably knew that already...