
@ltwass: Those are valid points. But of course the "demonstration" could have been a very real attack on a very real target - a major Japanese naval base for example. That would even have made military sense, and also it would have demonstrated the power of the bombs even more, against a fortified target such as a

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: I think we also need to remember that there were only three days (a-three...!!!) between the two bombs.

@GrapeofWrathNYC: Sigh...I know, right!?! How much of a chance is left that it will be included?

@closeencounter: Tru dat. Then again, if the Kessel run is really going past some black holes...

@Arafelis: @vrey_oneida: Yeah, I know, there is that possibility, no denying it...

"Star Wars also thinks a parsec is a unit of time."

@Mark 2000: But Star Wars ships are safe from pursuit when going FTL, makes it so much easier to disengage at will and live to fight another day.

What are the chances of it containing OneNote for Mac ?!?

@LukeDukem: I think posting only a picture can be cool if done right.

10 million times brighter...!!

I see your Mughal art and raise you one Arcimboldo

@Whitson Gordon: How about Gmail, same thing? Even when paying for the service?

@Whitson Gordon: But others might be (writing their novel on Springpad or s similar service).

@myarbrough: This really seems to be a point of potentially critical importance ! (And I would like to compliment you on your well put-together comment.) Do we know how this situation looks with regard to Evernote ?!?

@Sumocomputers: OneNote has something like what I think you have in mind.