
@crosis101: Re: missing parts explained elsewhere: maybe, but the Animatrix Shorts (at least that part of the collection that I forced myself to watch) suck as well, so that's not really of much help either.

@crosis101: What about that bar with the drunken hot ladies, where's that at again?

@mostlysane: professional waste management - professionals

@Tamírki: I think the Hindenburg, for example, was all wood-paneled inside, waiters with white gloves, too.

@jdmcd: Or how about they get that green and prehensile hair on their soles, but they can't control it - so they get stuck to all sorts of random ground surfaces all the time and fall on their faces

@jdmcd: Yes, Halflings looking like giant beetles would definitely be an improvement

The little Tut that could ?

@britboyj: That's what she said ?

@Pessimippopotamus: If a whale penis is 15 feet long and 3 feet wide, how many liters of blood do need to get stored in its cavernous tissue for it to become fully erect at 10 fathoms of depth ?

@Daveinva: That's what They want you to think

@leytpr4: Doesn't sound dumb to me, I agree. The costumes and also the machinery, they looked "real", they had attachments and protrusions and such where you would expect them and they had dings and scratches on them, like things would if they are actually used, even in a galaxy far, far away.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Weeell...on a jet plane the exhaust goes straight back but usually either is past the tail control surfaces (i.e. in a fighter) or there is some distance between the read-end of the jet engine and tail (i.e. on a commercial plane), so the heat can disperse a bit.

@Hello Mister Walrus: You want to keep the exhaust, which is not just smokey but also hot, as far away as possible from the control elements at the tail of the flying contraption. If the stacks were angled backwards they would be more aerodynamic but the hot gases might mess up airflow over those rear control

@Krakenstein: He took his protein pills, then screwed his helmet in

So what again is he crying about ?

@Starlionblue: So it is now lost like...gaaah, can't resist...tears in the rain?!?

@Starlionblue: Post home-made clip, or editing didn't happen

That must be from the same section of the animal-toys catalog where they have the frat-boys-doing-the-elephant-walk, in rubber, for dogs to chew on.