
@Nivenus: Pictures, or Hillsboro, Oregon doesn't exist.

I wonder if these concepts are still in some vault in the basement of 1 Infinite Loop? They should have one where they keep all such concepts, and firsts. Oooh, can you imagine?!

@Cory Noll: If you are referring to troop levels in Afghanistan under Bush: that *would* have been the right thing to do and that he didn't do it is one of the many things on the list of his fuck-ups.

@Captain-Awesome: He built C3PO?......oh, holy crap, that's true, he did! Haha, hadn't thought of that yet...!

The first one is not really from her but rather a photoshop, right? Because it looks as if a giant space cockroach vomited on that building. Or the gates of hell opened up from underneath. Or an orbital kinetic bombardment system did its thing. ... huh ... actually, it looks very cool

@etaylor3971: Right, right, I meant it's a product review *of sorts*, Apple as a whole being the product and having one aspect of it reviewed. And I was replying to the guy who said 'why bother, let Apple do as they please' that maybe by posting such (meta-)reviews either Apple will be made to change their ways or

@Sir Gibler: Ha true! And I thought the stormtrooper mask where the Apple logo would be was already neat

@Unspellable: You *feel* colors? Then you are an...eerrr...synesthete.

@talkingstove: Ah... Haha! But can it quack?! The phone, I mean

Sorry, I don't get the Jersey Shore reference. But I want to. Please explain?

@tundraboy: Legally, of course. All this is well within their rights. But they are dependent on selling their things to us, the customers. And it is perfectly alright for us, those customers, or potential customers, to watch what a company is doing and then determine if this company is doing the right things to

Is that a real picture, complete un-photoshopped-around with?! It is still mind-boggling to think that this guy was in charge of this country for eight years...

@Cory Noll:I think Obama actually did quite well for his first year in office. It's just that the expectations were so high. But most of any first years is just spent with filling positions etc. While doing that he averted a major economic meltdown, he tried very hard to be bipartisan, in the process unmasking the

@Cory Noll: I think Obama actually did quite well for his first year in office. It's just that the expectations were so high. But most of any first year is just spent with filling positions etc. While doing that he averted a major economic meltdown, he tried very hard to be bipartisan, in the process unmasking the