
Jerry Brown’s done a great job balancing the diverse needs of Californians over the past seven years (and working to fix problems created by the *ahem* previous governor) while still keeping California at the forefront of the US economically, socially, and environmentally. Kicking him to the curb because he didn’t win

Marylander here: I agree, but you have to make everyone stop at once. It’d be just like America for the one shitty Dem-gerrymandered map to get overturned and none of the many GOP ones.

You can’t just get regular blades anymore either. They have to be these five blade monstrosities with a moisturizing strip which just seems cruel.

That was the part of the speech that made my blood run cold. It’s fascism.

hopefuly recovers

yup, the mother needs help, but if you think in any scenario that “mother” should have ever kept that kid you’re insane. She doesn’t deserve to be a mother to a human being.

Nope. When you claim that God spoke to you, that’s the #1 sign you’re insane. Trump told the world a story about a mentally ill cop who claims God can speak to him.

Excellent point my regular American compatriot! Are you watching the oblate spheroid entertainment this weekend? The Predatory Birds of Philadelphia are my favorite squadron

Hello, totally normal American here, in no way affiliated with Koch Industries or Blackwater or Arcelor Mittal industrial concerns. I just want to say this blog post is incorrect and that I like it when my real, regular American community writes checks to Jeff Bezos. Now to log off and engage in ordinary activities!

It was a lawful, respectful utterance in an official language.

He said he was present in a constitutionally official language. Fuck the judge.

Fuck them. Judges are often pretentious fucks (or in Roy Moore’s case, a multiple-child molester).

Why? This is a pretty standard reaction to someone refusing to comply with a judges order.

“Blink twice if you need help.”

If you’re working a low wage McJob from your teens until retirement age, you’re doing it wrong. Learn a skill, a trade, hell go back to school if you have to. There’s millions of trade jobs unfilled right now because there aren’t people qualified to fill them. So... get qualified, folks. But complaining that someone

“If you are a low-wage worker who cuts your expenses to the bone in order to sock away $500 a year, on which you earn 8%, you will still not go more than a year in retirement without starving to death.”

My ex-mother-in-law is uneducated, bible thumping hypocrite thats been married three times. She married the last guy specifically because he was a retired cop with a generous pension. He’d been living on his pension for 25 plus years when they married. I didnt know until he died but in California police pensions are

Try these!

“Dynasties are no worse than democracies”

Now we’re getting somewhere.