Last year they had carnival tickets instead of trading cards, at the end I redeemed the tickets for some DLC and games.
Last year they had carnival tickets instead of trading cards, at the end I redeemed the tickets for some DLC and games.
Done and done.
They added badges for a few past sales now. I guess it's just a way for people to show off how many sales they've seen through. Totally irrelevant information, but amusing to compare if you're into that sort of thing.
GTAIV is a good game in itself, it deserves it's praise, but people that have a problem with it most probably compare it with San Andreas, which was far more complex under most aspects: larger and much more diverse world, more side-missions, a bit more on the unrealistic-but-fun side of the gameplay, and so on. If you…
People don't like it because they think it is too real and too serious. I love it personally, even better than GTA SA
It lacked interactivity and variety when compared to San Andreas. From III to SA there had been a trend of allowing you to do more and more. IV took away planes, parachutes (restored in Gay Tony, which is the best, most classic GTA-like version of IV), took away tons of side activities, broke the way the ambulance…
Gta4 toned down alot of the aspects people liked about gta. It was made more serious and darker and realistic and they changed enough about it alienate some people. Persoanlly i loved it. But i can understand why some didnt.
Oh my, that is some unappetizing cheese.
I know they're far from direct competitors, but I really respect that Kojima can look at another AAA game and go "Wow, I think that game might be better than ours." Japanese game devs seem to have a much easier time being candid about gaming to the public. They don't seem as bogged down by PR teams and marketing talk.…
And it's based on truth, too. Can't remember if it was EA or Respawn but they basically said that "mecha" was dirty word and the game game didn't not actually have mecha in it.
And the majority of the world's intellectuals and geniuses are either athiest, agnostic, or not followers of any organized religion. What's your point? That the majority of people in the world are sheeple? I knew that already.
Holy crap, a free name change? That's a goddamn steal. Let me install Starcraft 2 after two years of not giving a crap just to get in on this action.
All religions would be considered funny if they all weren't so horrible to society.
Remember kids: this isn't a mecha because in the narrative we have worked so hard to establish mecha games all suck and come from Japan and this game most definitely will not suck and is not Japanese so put your mind at ease that this is not a mecha and this is not a mecha game. Mecha games, like all games from Japan,…
I took it as less Zod wanting to kill them (what did he care, they were nobody), and more him daring Kal-El to kill him. Making Kal side with either him or the humans. Sure, he maybe could have just glanced over (don't know the "science" behind the eye-death-ray), but he was testing Superman. That's what I got out of…
I never said I didn't like it. It was the most entertaining Superman movie ever made. I think the majority of what they did was great (treating it as a first contact film was hugely attractive to me) but the little things like Supes killing, helping level Metropolis while not making a clear effort to save lives, and…
Because Superman killed him before he got to do it. The immediate threat of killing them turned out to be enough. He was deliberately inching his gaze toward them slowly.
Jesus Christ this perspective is so tiring.