
So I did the PS4 version of this deal, and the image still showed the $100 gift card, but it didn’t appear in my cart—I didn’t know that it was supposed to do. I realized this and had them cancel the order right away. Dell sent it to me anyway, and now won’t match the gift card or anything like that, and I would have

So I did the PS4 version of this deal, and the image still showed the $100 gift card, but it didn’t appear in my

So I ordered that Dell deal with the $100 PS4 gift card, but they didn’t send the card and told me they sold out of them. I tried to cancel the order, and Dell cancelled it... but shipped the PS4 anyway, and won’t send a card, even though I have a screenshot of the image saying the gift card was still available.

So I ordered that Dell deal with the $100 PS4 gift card, but they didn’t send the card and told me they sold out of

I want to be like you. And I am so glad to hear that you weren’t always like this, that you came to it from a bad place, because that’s where I am/was too. Hope I can learn to channel it so well!

This story is amazing and needs way more stars!

What happened? Did you win?

Or maybe he doesn't care about how his clothes fit, because it isn't relevant. How is it disrespectful to wear a suit that isn't cut in a particular style?

I'm afraid I look like this, because about half of these look totally fine to me... I don't understand. The jeans? What's wrong with that??

That sucks. But I hope we agree that the correct way for this to work, in a better world, is for both men and women to be able to look slovenly at work... not for both men and women to have to look put together. Because fashion, quote unquote grooming, style choices and clothing shouldn't have any influence on one's

Thank you for the in-depth response! That's super interesting. I'm going to have to read more Romantic period stuff.

This is definitely one of the most interesting things I've read this week. Do you have any other sources you could recommend about this? I'd love to read more about it.

Yea, I NEVER heard of the Tulsa Race Riots until I met a friend from Tulsa who was shocked that people from upstate New York didn't know about such things. Crazy.

Yea, I just learned that. Really disgraceful how little we learned about the Civil Rights Movement in school. Not particularly great that I haven't taken the trouble to learn more on my own.

.... how so?

He provided evidence and an argument, you just got offended and reiterated your position with nothing to support it. I think he's coming off better than you are!

That's awesome! I'm in about that same range. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! I work in the industry but have never seen this. I'll have to track it down and try it.

OK, I can't even find Lena on Google—what is it?

Cool, thanks for digging that up!

Has anyone been eliminated yet?

I'm from upstate New York and didn't even hear the phrase 'pulled pork' until I was in college (also in upstate New York, granted). I'm sure if I called my parents right now, they would have no idea what it was even today!