This is a problem with a lot of the 'artistic' unions, specifically WGA and SAG (at least those are the ones I'm familiar with). Both forbid you from ever doing non-union work (even if you do it for free, I think).
This is a problem with a lot of the 'artistic' unions, specifically WGA and SAG (at least those are the ones I'm familiar with). Both forbid you from ever doing non-union work (even if you do it for free, I think).
This sounds great. But your experience of playing it, with Miyamoto at your side and half the press watching you play a game that nobody outside of Nintendo has ever played before, sounds even more amazing. Pretty unforgettable.
Cool, that's the way to do it. Out of curiosity, is that dress code also true for v senior execs like these guys
sexist, ageist, classiest, Abercrombieist.. Check!
Groom well? We aren't dogs. That kind of vanity is ridiculous.
I used to work for some execs who went to E3 one year. They had a booth. They were normally suit-and-tie types, or at least blazer types. For E3 they all switched to cool T-shirts for the duration so they didn't look like suits. Seemed kind of cheatsy to me, but I thought it was interesting.
Totally disagree with this: "If you think your games look sharp, then you should, too." I feel like this suggests that it's okay to make judgments on people based on what they wear. I don't think that's okay. People who like the way suits look should wear them. People who like the way cargo shorts look should wear…
Please continue to use this gif. This is the best money gif I've seen in a while. Way better than tired ol' Futurama and Colbert.
Thankfully, that's pretty much what we've gotten for a lot of games, although certainly not all. Cinematic trailer and a dab of gameplay last year, short trailer and lots of gameplay this year. Seems like the way to do it.
That, and we learned last console cycle that everything will eventually turn out okay. Remember all the talk of the PS3 dying? It was just s a drought then and it's just a drought now, for the reasons you mentioned. But we'll get out of it. Eventually.
That's the value of the cinematic trailer. If I remember rightly, they just sort of threw us into the gameplay without too much context, and it seemed sort of drab without an establishing framework. Same thing with Destiny.. the live gameplay last year just felt off. For a totally new IP, you kind of have to ground it…
My point is you shouldn't be upset about it. They didn't betray you. They just released an option that you're not interested in. There's no need for you to make it an emotional thing.
Can't we get a new city? Somewhere in Texas, maybe?
Dude, get over it. You played it once, you had a great time. Either play it again or don't. Nobody has a gun to your head.
Alright, I'll say it: I'm ready for a World War II shooter again.
There's a difference between 'getting better' and 'becoming the best in the world.' The former makes sense to me; I've tried to get a lot better at Civilization IV solely for my enjoyment. But I would never try to be the best in the world at it: that angle is covered by people who sink hundreds and thousands of hours…
Does that make you part of the Greatest Generation or the Lost Generation instead? How do you feel about John McCain?
Ugh eww eww ewww is that really what a McRib is? I am SO glad I've never had one.