I've been taking the last part of your advice to heart for years and it has served me well.
I've been taking the last part of your advice to heart for years and it has served me well.
Uh, cash? $1200 cash? Seriously?
One thing I've never known about that guideline: is it after-tax or pre-tax?
Wow, that's crazy. I will bear that in mind. So frustrating that those things can be so hard to fight. Thanks for sharing!
I'm a little late to this party, but what's wrong with Capital One?
Wasn't on the county's page, though, which is why my shabby lazy Googling didn't help!
I am one of those people who tend to read too much into emails... even as I write short and condensed emails like these.
I learned this as an executive assistant. Keep it to the goddamn point.
Also, I don't know how to pronounce the names of either of those companies. Don't think I've ever heard them said aloud.
Thanks. I thought that was in Montana, for some reason. Guess I should add that to the county's Wikipedia page. Man, I've been on an ignorant streak lately.
Who the fuck cares if they broke laws? If we lived in a humane society, where judges acted like human beings instead of kakodemons, they would have been let off with nothing except maybe a medal. Instead they are being persecuted, along with so many others. Man, judges are the worst.
Well, you got me with the Shannon County, South Dakota one. I don't get that one even AFTER I googled it. Just because it's so poor?
I interviewed to be Blackley's assistant back in 2009 or so. Unlike most H'wood agents, he has a very good reputation for not being a huge prick. Still supposedly a hardass, but not a dick for the sake of being a dick. One of the final stages of the interview process - which I didn't get to - was playing Xbox with…
I thought this was just me. I did know he wasn't a pope. But I also thought he personally assassinated Martin Luther King. Didn't learn too much about him in school, I guess.
I'll give him a pass on "there's" because it's pretty common as an informalism on the web, but you're right about the rest.
I agree. A lot of people say that cash feels more real to them, but I feel just the opposite... cash is already gone from my account, and therefore is basically 'free money'... or it feels like it. I have the same solution: never use cash when I can help it!
Man, this sounds like an awful idea for me. When I'm exhausted, I always make the health-related decision to order a pizza. Because my willpower is gone.
He's got another 18 or so years to go to determine whether he can reform or not.
I think if you're willing to make a blanket statement like that, you should include soldiers as well.
Thank you for your spirit of not-vengeance, unlike everybody goddamn else. Much appreciated.