
I've established a general rule that I don't make ANY decisions in the morning, at least not until after an hour or two of work and coffee. Otherwise, my decisions will always be in the negative, turning down opportunities and things like that.

I think he's saying Nathan Drake doesn't look like a human as it is. At least, that's how I'm choosing to interpret it.

Oh man. I'd play the shit out of that. I'd play it with my fingers and watch it with my eyes. Shit yea.

Should've left it.

Yea, this is the important question to me. CEOs do not get paid alike - they get raises, just like everybody else (except they get them every year, and they are millions of dollars). A freshman CEO and a retiring CEO usually do, and probably should, have different pay packages. She's brand new. He was brand old.

Wow. That's insanely awful. I hope your mother made sure those dogs were also killed, which is what they deserved.


That's crazy. What kind of a shitheel would say those kind of things? Telling you how to live your life is bad enough but can have good intent behind it, but giving you those kind of sexist reasons, what the hell. What the hell, people.

Hey, don't pin his father's troubles on the son. That's not the son's fault.

This. Virtually all of these companies could still make a huge profit if they doubled their minimum wage. But they would make less profit. They would have leaner margins and certainly would not achieve growth.

I agree... Occupy and the new discussions about inequality have not happened because of Obama. They have happened in spite of him. Whatever his personal wishes may be, he is as strongly influenced by Wall Street and the money power as his predecessor. He has certainly done some good for inequality (Obamacare), but he

I'd shop there.

So, that's a lot of Titans. But how many Titans are left? Is this going to create a power vacuum or major power shift, or are both sides still pretty strong? I'm fascinated by the politics involved.

Oh man, thank you for tracking that down, that was driving me crazy!

Not to reply to myself, but it does connect:

Yea, I wonder if it actually connects to Europe at all. A whole different world, really. Whole different set of religions, feudal structures, the caste system, &c. Seems even more different than The Old Gods. Sounds really, really ambitious. I hope it lives up to it, but pretty much everything they've done lately has

Yea, it was my first Paradox game too, and I tried the tutorial. Big turn off. Tried the Ireland sandbox walkthrough and now have hundreds of hours logged across many of their games. It's really inaccessible if you're coming from more mainstream strategy games, but it's so, so worth it.

I'm very familiar with the rest of the story. The Silmarillion is my favorite book. I know how it went down, but I don't remember this map or anything like it. But it's been a long time, and I could be forgetting. Do you happen to know where it's from?

It's literally ancient Europe, so it's the size of Europe. About 4 million square miles, I suppose.

Eh, so were all medieval maps! It's worth checking out with a grain of salt, and it's a lot of fun. But it's all speculation beyond the 'known world'.