
One thing you need to mention when you're comparing noise cancelling headphones is if it's a feedback, feed-forward or hybrid noise cancellation. In other words, where the noise is listened and placement of microphones accordingly.

The best noise cancelling you say?

One little detail I noticed should have positive impact on sound. It seems Apple got rid of that little tie knot on the inside of the acoustic cavity. This knot is the most common way to make sure the earphone cable has enough tensile strength so when the wire is pulled the speaker wires are not yanked. Seems like

I think you're doing it wrong. This is bulletproof so you can hold it over your chest if you must.

It's not the engineer; it's the OWMG; old white marketing guy trying to be clever while belittling the consumer.

I had the Motorola, what's its name...

What HTC used there is called an elastomere coating; feels good but has terrible side effects on light colors.

Jeans, no belts, tshirt, sweatshirt with side pockets in which I can quickly put my wallet, phone and watch before I take it off and place it next to my slip on shoes inside the tray.

Hot pot lunch on a cold winter day, yum!

Seems like we create these more advanced aircrafts ahead of time and the need for them magically appears out of thin air.

Eyes looked for a photo gallery down below.

Homicide bombers survive their attacks?

You know i lived in Asian arcades for the last several years and I never spotted anyone doing anything close to this.

I had a bad review once which i thought was personal. My job in a public video games company required much creativity except my boss didn't have any. I brought this up in several instances to his superiors as he needed at least some creativity to be able to manage us. He hated me for it. Then he suddenly started

That curving barrel looks sad!

Interesting. I did have another episode where I felt the dejaVu when my friend asked me a question. The very specific words in order and with the surrounding & posture I was in made me realize i was in a DejaVu. stopped to think what happened next. I did remember & then altered it just because I could. I wish I can

Right? So what's with all the scientific explanations of your mind playing tricks on you I wonder. IN your dreams, you clearly can see what's yet to occur and many people confirm it. Now if only we could truly harness it.

Not really. A lucid dream is when you're fully aware you're dreaming.

I know what it is. Once I had DejaVu, in that very moment I asked myself "didn't I dream about this like 6 months ago?"
