
Seriously! Release it already you anal retentive Japanese.

@scrapking: it's so obvious you don't know anything about video game industry. I give you the last GT game sales fig you go check your math again, ok genius?

@Sugoi: Little pleassure = Gigantor?

If you are 30 and sitting on a bean bag chair; you failed.

It never works when you sell the company to big money and then try to tell the big money what to do. They should have cashed out and moved somewhere tropic when they could have. Now, this will take years to get resolved, by the time Activision is done with them, they will be two broke, has been game developers who had

It's because Datel uses a pirate security IC and do not pay Microsoft royalties.

@PS1: Well if you were a MGS fan then you might know that Sniper Wolf's (MGS1) mother was Kurdish militia who meets Sniper Wolf's father (Big Boss) as enemies at first. While she was trying to ambush a Turkish mountain patrol unit she gets wounded by an enemy sniper who turns out to be Big Boss. Instead of turning her

@PS1: Hakan is not the first Turkish videogame character. Big Boss from Metal Gear Solid is.

Space Invaders (age 6)

Rodriguez chokes when given big budgets. The faculty anyone?

Fanboys get ready. You are about to learn how to play the real guitar.

@MrBounce: 100% agree. Like Mitch Lombard from Mad Catz died and nobody gave a shit but we all still enjoyed the ST4 sticks w/o knowing him. Here's to unsung workers of gaming industry who are dead now.

@chiwriter: my condolences to you and everyone you know in the industry...

inspired by TGS-08 MS girls imo - next time designing a gamer shirt:

@Gortexfogg: Indeed, and the fowl was from India hence India means the bird and the country in Turkish. I heard that in India the bird also means Egypt but can not concur.

Something awesome happened to me while reading it. Since it's long and I am at work, I was reading it in parts throughout the day. I just finished one part and saw the next section's title only "Video game moment of the decade" then had to stop and attend something else. Yet my mind was running in the article still