
Not here, only over "there"...

I have pretty low standards for what I would want to eat...

For pins and needles in your foot or lower leg, rub between the cartilage of the underside of your knee... Especially when walking around seems dangerous if you're about to fall...

Cookies can take as little as 15 minutes. And if Waldman's kids weren't (assumedly) spoiled or/and lazy, they could (and should) do a good amount of the work. Cookies are fun. Having 4 kids, unless they're all toddlers or younger, is the worst excuse I ever heard...

The same kinds of mountains that 1980s Marlon Brando used to climb?

So now that it turns out it was a machine gun...

He's probably just upset that a Jewish guy is getting all the press...

Would it help if we combined with Canada? Mexico? Anything north of the Amazon?

No chance that "the pal" is just "accidentally" "blurbing" to "the paper" so Minka'll read it and think he's successively moved on, right?

Maybe he'll get back on track now that he's pitching in a city that actually has a train...

Why is almost every comment, including starred, on this post pink?

Whenever I use a public restroom to create some fecal matter, I usually end up playing on my phone. Of course, this is all before my hands come anywhere near the fecal distribution site, and I usually have it back in my pocket by that point.

Funny, his two examples about what attracts users to Facebook are both Zynga games, and yet this article on [] yesterday said Zyngas was no longer profitable...

1. Facebook ripped off AIM for statuses, not Twitter - doesn't anyone remember "away messages"?

Justin Long...

That's a really misleading use of statistics. The vast majority of children are born to mothers under 35, I'd be very surprised if it were less than 95%, but for the sake of argument let's just say it were 90%. That means that using your stat, 20% of the kids with autism were born to 10% of the births of mothers over

Right, but the "test and abort" strategy is probably more risky as you get older, plus there's less time to try for another kid as you're even older than the last time you got pregnant...

Education? How could education possibly affect diseases in children? That's a bit Lamarckian, no?

Isn't there medical evidence of substantially higher and higher rates of children born with Autism and Down Syndrome to mothers each year after a certain age? That should be a consideration in having children having 35...