Here in New Zealand half of our buildings are forged using the bones of unicorns. SkyCity even uses their tears to flush out the urinals!
Here in New Zealand half of our buildings are forged using the bones of unicorns. SkyCity even uses their tears to flush out the urinals!
I’m sure Tavarish would be willing to go get it for you with a completely inadequate towing rig. He might even make it.
You know what we call the day when clients want us to start work while not paying the retainer?
OK I’ve been watching for like 10 minutes when does the bike blow up?
If your grandma is getting you a car for christmas don’t talk back you spoiled bish.
Joe Biden is also a complete moron.
Gives “what’s it going to take to get you to drive this baby home today?” a whole new meaning!
If you understand the concept of sin you would know lawyers were created shortly after Adam and Eve stole the the apple. I am not an attorney, but I get pretty tired listening to people like you bitch about them. Maybe if people weren’t lying cheating assholes we wouldn’t need them, but they are, and we do.
Once again, my home state delivers the goods. *Sigh*
I know Jesus too. He drives an older Nissan pick-up truck, filled with lawnmowers, hedge clippers, and weedwhackers. Jesus mows and manicures my mum’s lawn once a month. Muchas gracias, Jesus.
Screw you man, my uncle totally did win that Veyron.
Sure it wasnt a Lambo?
Ballaban you’re standing with someone who is using Comic Sans. Your argument is invalid.
Wait, so buying an unreliable German car is bad?
Ah.. Pokemon go, so July 2016 ...