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Common People is an absolute masterpiece* - and all the better for Joe Jackson’s presence - but there’s a reason The Transformed Man is regularly top of the list of worst albums ever; it’s even worse than Nimoy!

I recognize that listmaking is inherently flawed and there is more than one album I, a woman, like on this list but I will legit fight you on “Kid A” come at me I’M READY.

Is “abusing semicolons to project the illusion of superiority” a white value?

A Ferengi as bad at business as Donnie would have been hurled off the Tower of Commerce ages ago. 

The only person elected in Canada who could be compared to Trump was Rob Ford and thankfully he won’t ever run again.

12 Reasons Why Trump Hates BuzzFeed. #1 Will Make You Wet Your Pants With Laughter

Please. Trump just thinks she’s offering to sing a song about seedless watermelons.

Trump won’t understand this until someone explains it to him. KFC doesn’t serve fruit, so ALL fruit is strange to him.

And introducing their first arch-nemesis......Troll King...........

I don't. I hope she leaves him. Otherwise you'll get girls saying "Well if Ray Rice can change, maybe my man can as well."

I made a burner account to comment on this because I think this is one of the small but harmful ways that abuse gets dismissed, "The larger arc of their relationship doesn't fit the typical abusive relationship." The larger arc of my relationship didn't fit the typical abusive relationship, but that didn't prevent me

it never occurred to you that they're just checking his mentions... or simply just searching his name... seems like you're having trouble with "concepts"

If you think a Runza is a "handheld meat pie", bad news: Your beloved crab cakes are just fish sticks.

South Dakotan here. Chislic is a fair item. The best kind is made from flash fried lamb. It's simple and delicious.

NO! North Dakota does not accept Lutefisk as our food. No one likes Lutefisk, and that honor for most-old-people-eating-stinky-fish-at-Christmas should go to Minnesota, anyhow.

Chislic is made with lamb first off, and secondly it is delicious especially when consumed with large quantities of beer because what the hell else is there to do. As they say there is a woman behind every tree, good luck finding a tree.

Chislic is greasy and chewy? Maybe at low end establishments. Not so at actual steakhouses or restaurants where you have trouble getting a table. Places where the meat marinades for hours and is cooked til perfect medium is achieved is where to get the best stuff. If you have saltines anywhere near your plate,