Professor Pink

I confess that as a relatively tall woman (5'8" or 5'9"?) I have always preferred men who were taller than me. But as a bi/queer woman, I have had to recognize that my preference was probably largely due to heteronormativity. At one point a few years ago I developed a crush on a transman who was shorter than me and


I must be weird. I love a pretty penis. :) I think they're hot. I mean, not ALL of them, obviously, but the ones attached to boys I like? Oh, yes. Yes, please!

Oh my god. This is fucking heartbreaking. :(

I realize that.

I have no idea! But Nevada being The Good Clean Fun state would be just about as incongruous! :)

Although, true story, for a while, South Dakota (my birthplace) also tried to lay claim to the title of The Sunshine State.

Oh, I suppose I was just categorizing it loosely because it's done by Axe. :)

Your guess is as good as mine!

Interesting to see a feminist take on something that's also been done in very antifeminist ways:

Yeah, it's funny. If I just look at Jared Leto today, I don't really see whatever it was that made me swoon about him in MSCL.

Yes, exactly. I thought it was a really good summation of the situation, too, but I was interested in your take. :)

Curious about your thoughts on this.

Now playing

Yeah. I wish he hadn't brought in the comparison to Jews because there's obviously a history of racism and anti-Semitism there that he's either ignoring or unaware of. But I understand his point, and he's not incorrect in many ways. I'm reminded of Chris Rock's routine about rich vs. wealthy.

I got myself the Ciate Nail Lab. Now back in stock at Sephora! $65.

I don't know... this has not been my experience. A lot of the threesomes I've had started with online flirting and progressed to RL with at least *some* degree of understanding about what would happen. And they were most enjoyable, regardless. :)

It's true. Is this shit good? Is that shit good? Put this shit on that shit! EXTRA GOODEST!

I would have totally missed that typo. Perfect. :)

Seeing Homsar on my feed just made my day.