Professor Pink

I guess I was just responding because I said I agreed with her feelings. I do find a lot of southern culture amusing, but I'd hate for anyone to think I was making fun of my transplanted culture. It really is just because it's so different in some ways from how I grew up. :)

I mean, finding cultural differences amusing doesn't have to mean you're being insulting of the other culture, does it? Differences can be funny just because they're surprising or unfamiliar. I also giggle when I hear people call shopping carts "buggies." I don't think I'm doing it because I'm thinking I'm better than

They fill me with lust.

See my response to Violet. I knew I was reaching, but do you know how hard it is to find photos of fuckable men in manpris? :)

It's hard out here for a slut. :(

Very handsome. Are you saying if he offered to take those manpris off, you'd kick him out of bed?

But the one she wore in the fashion show was both strapless and short. So there goes that idea.

I thought perhaps you were right. But, nope. Here's a guy in manpris that I would do.


I am familiar with that filter. I had a huge crush on Kip Winger when I was maybe 14-15, so him singing about a seventeen year old was sexy to me then, and it made me feel sexy. So even though I find it creepy now, I still really like it. :P

Ha! Well that's a good question. I'm not sure anyone says "I was a mere child of 16" anywhere, actually.

Oh, yes, because women (that is, mothers) know nothing about how guys will try to get into a teen girl's pants.

Wow, I *love* that song, and when I saw you post it I was like, "WHAT??" For some reason, as an adult, I had blocked out the first line. Obviously when I liked it (as a teen myself), I didn't see the problem. This is true for a number of songs that I look back on with some degree of shock/discomfort/disgust, such as

As a Midwesterner/Californian who moved to the South in my early 20s, I share your feelings. I have students address me as ma'am, and I'm still not used to it, even though I've lived here 15 years.

Also: jeans. Sweats. Yoga pants. I'd be hard pressed to identify an article of clothing that, when removed, prevented me from having sex.

Yes, I found it creepy when it was included on a mash-up in Glee. Especially combined with Don't Stand So Close to Me. Very pedo-tastic.

Ok, I don't even see how the dress she had on originally (the not-daddy-approved one) was much different than the one she modeled in the fashion show. Both were strapless and pretty short, but otherwise relatively demure. I don't get it.

Subscriptions were the way to go! 12 months for $12! Almost all my old issues still have address labels on them, and it's funny to see my address change from Iowa to California to South Dakota as I moved. :)


Yep. I have that issue. My favorite: "A Day in the Life of Miss America, Indentured Servant."