
Wow this looks really cool. I don't use evernote a lot. I tend to use DevonThink Pro ... and dropbox but perhaps evernote needs to become a part of my repertoire. So many tools so little time! :-(

I think this is a great hack for when you're not feeling very motivated to do something. I use it for doing my taxes (ugh). Except I use the pomodoro technique which works nicely with a pomodoro timer that breaks it up into 25 minute increments.

Great article. I like the hack about typing with a split keyboard (and using the thumbs) ... Will give that a shot.

I really like point no 5. Been meaning to do that for ages. Also reminds me that I have to clean the bathroom tomorrow. Ack!

I agree that being organised is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. A subtle but very important difference.

I use TeamViewer and occasionally ... both are really useful and free. Good post. Thanks. :-)

Nice info graphic!

I can’t believe how timely the last 2 posts from Leo Babauta have been (I am a subscriber). He just posted another one called "Don't scratch the itch".

Bummer! I use myfitnespal too. :-(

Sounds like a cool app. Thanks for sharing.

The app ooks pretty good.

I find it easy to get Excel shortcuts for the PC. Have you tried F4 to repeat the last action ... awesome hack. But try and find it for the mac. Not so easy.

Looks like an awesome idea. I have to give this a shot.

Who knew!

The risk with using apps over physical pen and paper is that there is a higher chance of getting distracted with something else that pops up on your screen when you launch the app ... Lately I've been moving towards paper and pen solutions as they seem to be least prone to causing distractions.

Great hack. Questions do seem to engage the brain in a different way. Thanks.

Thanks Mattague

That's hilarious. :-) I laughed out loud when I read that.

What about the other way? Does it copy from iOS back to mac?

I totally relate to the comment about fit bit being a great way to keep yourself honest.