Provided the 'hater' isn't making physical threats I think it helps to remind yourself that it's just one person's 'opinion' (among about 7 billion other opinions on the planet). This helps put things into perspective.
Provided the 'hater' isn't making physical threats I think it helps to remind yourself that it's just one person's 'opinion' (among about 7 billion other opinions on the planet). This helps put things into perspective.
Great article. Thank you. Changing your environment has a huge impact on performance and productivity.
I am soooo getting this!
Good to know. Thanks :-)
Excellent article! Thanks.
"Be interrupible" is quite nicely put.
Great idea in theory. But I don't see anyone going to all that effort for an impulse purchase. Ripping the bag open any which way is more likely for most impulse buyers.
Beautifully put. Simple but not necessarily easy. Practice helps a lot though :-)
One good way to overcome shyness is to develop a genuine interest in the person you're talking to.
Set up a separate email account. Sound advice!
I like the So Koy one
To do lists can only give you a false sense of accomplishment if you don't use them correctly. Making mindless lists of tasks regardless of their importance is something I've wasted a lot of time on.
I think genuine smiles tend to 'linger' for a while as opposed to fake ones that tend to disappear very quickly after the stimulus is removed. So I'd venture to say the length of the smile is a good indicator.
Great to know! I haven't been overly impressed with Google Maps interface until now. Hopefully this will improve things. It's still way better than the iOS native maps application though.
Agreed. This should be a standard "go to" plan before trying anything else. (Though I've barely had problems since I switched from Windows to Mac about 2 yrs ago.)
Nice hack. Thanks. 10 pull ups for every pee. I like it.
Windows Key + L is a quick way to lock your screen. Faster than the Ctrl+Alt+Del buttons ...
Interesting. Could be a good solution for the limited memory that iPhones come with.
I think a lot depends on the audience. If you're giving a speech to a bunch of Type A personalities I don't think vulnerability would be particularly well received. Type A personalities tend to (very wrongly) think they can eat vulnerable people for breakfast and their arrogance tends to be a major hurdle in receiving…