


Looks like she’s wearing a push-up to me.

The Japanese have customs about reverence for the dead, and it might be about that. It’s just a small nod; a piece of work that might have made Iwata-san proud 30 years ago hidden as a small token in a product of his legacy.

You can still force them to cast their vote while holding their nose. Make them understand they are voting for a stinky bill.

Hey that photo must be fake because I’m digging that food.

Home boy harsh

Home boy harsh

A lot of them are evangelist Christians. Christians are obsessed with the idea that suffering is some sort of worship for their deity. It’s pretty weird.

That’s my theory. They aren’t DOING anything, they are UNDOING everything That Negro did. I could be wrong, for sure, but it still does a good job explaining it. White supremacy is alive and well.

So the hell what if they are

I hear that!

I cannot process this information. This is insane.

The fuck

They take them seriously when absolutely necessary. They don’t give a shit when they aren’t caught red-handed with abusers in their workspaces.

We developed guns a few centuries ago, and perfected them in 2. RPG’s, missiles, etc. within a century. Imagine what we would do with two hundred centuries.

Same. Now I can’t unremember those repressed nightmares.

Her number is listed on that photo btw. Not sure if that was intended. Love this app!

Well that’s a bit of a spoiler.

You are, in the strictest sense, correct.

Dems need an actual, verifiable miracle.