
Hmmmm, Government paid me bank today.
how could today go wrong?
<logs on Kotaku and sees that Jason is leaving>

I bought a Wii U on launch day!
still the best console ever. we played Nintendo Land at Thanksgiving and Easter the next two years lol.

Honestly i think the PS2 is the “Goat” because it was a dvd player.
just my two cents


eh, I first played FFIV when i was 3, and TAF was obnoxious on the wii. the PSP version is much better tho.

Jason, on your point on #2 with Aerith’s steel sky line...

I think it MIGHT be a reference to when Zack died in the original timeline somehow?

In the Crisis Core ending, Aerith is in the church when it starts raining and she looks up to the sky and kind of knows Zack is going to die somehow.

so maybe they are referencing



I might need a ps4 now

Or even worse, if the microUSB charge port dies, you lose the entie controller!

All i REALLY care about, and the reason I haven’t actually ever played 7, (i was too young when it first came out, then Advent children made it popular again).

Does Zack’s story get any more respect?

But how is it in a Wheelchair!?

Isla de Grayson?

She lost me when i saw LEGOS.

I would like to point out that when I am facing down a woman with a whiteboard, dry erase marker, and bucketloads of math, It’s generally after I’m done teaching math on my whiteboard.

Except trying to get access to an old account is literally the worst CS experience ever 😂😭😂

EA should have focused their ad campaign on how the conquered and reforged to make the best remaster possible.

One might say:

Like implies that fighter has mental capacities.

so just give it an S for Superior!

Oh god, did Fahey get infected with Jason’s Delayeverythingitis?