
Because there’s nothing better than the burn of Totilo 😂😁

I think I have to go with What_About_Balzac, in that it is much more of a Monte Cristo move than a Amontillado move, as Amontillado features a revenge that doesn’t necessarily fit the crime committed.

but to do unto the troll as was done to him?
Monte Cristo would approve. 

okay, honest question, Have you been to busch Stadium for Cubs v Cards?

if so, honest thoughts about the ballpark differences?

my dad was in the more political side of the corn ag industry for almost 20 years, so i grew up with a lot of Ethanol pamphlets in my house.

i think the perfect combination solution is a E85/Electrical engine.

so i’m not sure why you bring the number of distinct characters into conversation, but all major global currencies use the mathematical notation system to express value.

for Example:

I remember beating Super Mario World at my Kindercare in 29:36 when i was in like 2nd grade. the bet was to do it in under 30.

came here for this; i take apart a lot of small electrics (video game controllers and the like) and pill bottles make THE best screw containers for projects.

Final Fantasy 4: Free Enterprise has a great one at the moment!

i played Cuphead with a buddy when it came out for like 8 hours, and yeah, we died alot.

but to me Cuphead feels like a Raid in an mmo.

you have phases, you have specific tasks and positions to do and stand in, and you have to DPS the boss to win.

but like every raid, you have to practice, practice, practice.

all i know about Bakersfield is that one of my dad’s best friends from college lives (albeit somewhat wealthy) in Bakersfield, and that every year we went to California for vacation we would never visit,

for #2 look at Kansas!
(my brother is in their local administration program atm, but he’s sort of an outlier, he did great on the test and he had two city administrators writing his letters of recommendations.)

My mom was diagnosed with Scleroderma in the fall of 2004, and by December that year she knew her expected survival rate was 4-5 years.

I haven’t played an Assassin Creed Game since the shitshow that was 3 (on Ps3 at least), and stopped caring much about the series when they killed Desmond.

Now playing

Today is Rare Disease Day, and maybe it’s i’m feeling emotional after spending most of last night delving through over 27 years of family photos as my Dad officially sells the house him and my mom bought two months before i was born.
I lost my mom in 2004 to a 4 year battle with Scleroderma, or Systemic Sclerosis. http:

or Online Comment Markup!?!

im thinking:

and then you add to it by saying “republicans, thus continuing the cycle and helping to make sure it never ends.”
(and before you assume I’m a Republican, I’m a liberal, i just hate people like you)

if you want to play that game, go talk to our good friends in West Virginia.

My general practitioner (i’m a guy) from like the time i was 8/9 till the time i was 22 was a woman. and it was the exact same thing.
had a number of sensitive issues that she took care of in a way that i don’t think a guy dr. would have been able to do.

I’d like to take a brief moment to remind people that there are other Sclerosis Diseases: and many if not all of them are just as hard.

and let’s not get started on doing ALL of that and then NOT living!!!!