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going to add to the love with some clutch Aretha:
(yes im aware it’s lipsynced. it’s still great)

I’m still a bit surprised that we’ve gotten so many Zelda HD remakes (OoT, Majora’s Mask, Wind Waker HD, Twilight Princess HD)


except he’s an echo of Roy that has Aether.

Counterpoint: the website has Chrom as a echo of Roy,but the trailer showed him apprently using Aether.

I think they were referring to Holy Water, Cross, Axe, and whatever their Up B will B.

Thinking about it,

King K.Rool is the same character in DKC 1,2,3 and DK64. He just has different outfits to fit whatever crazy scheme to steal all the bananas he’s currently doing.

the same way Capcom made a Zelda game!


Welcome back Mike.

Hey it’s the cat that everyone has!
I have one of those too!

Once you unlock all the augments you will be able to pay soul chips to stop certain augs from appearing, and that helps speed up runs.

I have a save of 20xx where I have over 300 Speed and Jump,

RE: Registering; I work in Wedding Retail, and over the years I’ve found that registering isn’t really about what you really want.

the Mario one looks to be the exact same as the gamepad Hori made for the Wii many moons ago.

Now playing

Wonder how hard it is compared to the last time you had to make Mario jump 100 times in a game

In an interview right after they brought him back he said he wasn’t interested in managing anymore

Of course Eevee cant,

I got this game last year when i saw this.
was totally worth.