
Take your star


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i always thought this scene summed it up perfectly

A fan post on the day i ordered a new cpu fan.

Stan Musial?

Fucking hospital stays are the worst.

He actually broke it cuz reporters somehow got wind of it and were harassing his and his ex’s Kids about it.

this has nothing to do with the conversation really, but seeing 8bit theater Thief talk about politeness makes me laugh

Counterpoint Honor and Glory Balderich.

Honestly the only character i could see them killing off soonish would be Reinhardt

You know what though? Enjoy the time with your kids.

I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on Deadspin.I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on Deadspin. I will get ungrayed on

There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always the next game. There’s always

is it bad that i looked at that image and immediately thought:

If you had read the articles

If this one day leads to a way to kill staph infections, i think i could sigh a bit.

I feel like as a whole, we as a society take our skin for granted so much.

So the guy who makes a racist generalization statement: (average life expectancy of a woman in Japan is 86 years) gets pissy when I present to him a counter example.